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Name Item # Page count
2022-04-05 BOCC Business Meeting Agenda[Icon] 2
2022-04-05 BOCC Business meeting minutes[Icon] 6
Accept a bid on tax title property located off N. Pearl Street, Centralia.[Icon] 22-090 8
Approval of warrants / payroll.[Icon] 22-092 9
Approve a .09 "Distressed Counties" grant agreement with Economic Alliance totaling $350,000 over two years.[Icon] 22-107 27
Approve Agreement #20-4613C-116 Amendment B with Dept of Commerce to provide services to individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance[Icon] 22-102 7
Approve Agreement #E03-0149-21A with Equity Institute, housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program ‎(ERAP 2.0)‎[Icon] 22-099 5
Approve Agreement #T01-0150-21A with Salvation Army, housing assistance unit Eviction Rental Assistance Program Grant ‎(ERAP 2.0[Icon] 22-100 5
Approve CBA between Lewis County and Teamsters 252, representing the Sheriff's Operations Sergeants Group, for calendar years 2022-2025[Icon] 22-083 45
Approve supplemental agreement that cumulatively increases maximum amount payable in 2022 by more than $200,000 for an active PW agreement.[Icon] 22-094 7
Authorize the Director of Information Technology Services to execute a purchase order with Ednetics.[Icon] 22-093 18
Delegate rate-setting authority to the Parks & Recreation Director.[Icon] 22-105 3
Establish a new Capital Projects fund: Broadband Infrastructure Fund No. 3400.[Icon] 22-095 2
Establish a new Capital Projects fund: Real Estate Excise Tax, First Quarter Percent ‎(REET 1)‎ Fund No. 3110.[Icon] 22-096 2
Establish a new Capital Projects fund: Real Estate Excise Tax, Second Quarter Percent ‎(REET 2)‎ Fund No. 3120.[Icon] 22-097 2
Establish a new special revenue fund: Parks and Recreation Fund No. 1160.[Icon] 22-098 3
Issue request for proposals ‎(RFP)‎ for upgrades to Jail door control and video surveillance systems[Icon] 22-089 21
List bids received and newspaper selected for Lewis County legal printing for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023[Icon] 22-103 18
Public Comment Sheet.[Icon] 2
Publication of 2021 County Forces road construction projects and costs.[Icon] 22-091 6
Reappoint two individuals to the Criminal Justice Treatment Account ‎(CJTA)‎ Panel.[Icon] 22-101 4
Rescind Resolution No. 20-161, which established a No-Spray Agreement and Agreement Fee.[Icon] 22-106 3
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22 Entries
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