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2022-07-19 BOCC Business Meeting Agenda[Icon] 2
2022-07-19 BOCC Business Meeting Minutes[Icon] 4
Approve Amendment 3 to Professional Services Agreement "Community COVID-19 Drive Thru Vaccination Event" between LC PHSS and Providence Health & Svcs Washington d/b/a Providence Medical Group SW WA[Icon] 22-218 8
Approve an ILA between Lewis County and Town of Bucoda regarding work by county crews and authorizing signatures thereon.[Icon] 22-217 9
Approve consolidated contract #CLH31017 Amendment 5 between Lewis County and WA State Department of Health ‎(DOH)‎.[Icon] 22-219 23
Authorization to establish the rate of pay for a non-union extra help Civil Service secretary.[Icon] 22-215 2
Authorize an interfund loan from Capital Facilities Plan Fund No. 3100 to COVID-19 Response Fund No. 1410.[Icon] 22-214 3
In the matter of warrants and/or payroll.[Icon] 22-213 9
LC 2022 budget emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and various funds.[Icon] 22-212 5
NOH: Ordinance 1335 to update the meeting schedule for the Law and Justice Council within LCC 9.20.050[Icon] 22-211 10
Public Comment[Icon] 2
Public Hearing Comment Sheet[Icon] 1
Restrict outdoor burning throughout unincorporated Lewis County.[Icon] 22-220 5
The proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Logan Hill Road in Chehalis.[Icon] 22-216 5
The proposed vacation of a portion of the Mickelsen Parkway right of way ‎(Order of Vacation 22-002)‎.[Icon] 22-002 10
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