NOH: Proposed action to adopt draft ordinance 1261 repealing/replacing all provisions related to Lewis County Code Title 5.15 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON} COUNTY OF LEWIS SS NOTICE OF are necessary to protect Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of PUBLIC HEARING the general public and Irbe Cbronitle BEFORE THE those persons attending LEWIS COUNTY BOARD I the music festivals. OF COUNTY a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, COMMISSIONERS All persons wishing to be AND INTENT TO heard on this matter are published in the English language,and circulated REPEAL AND REPLACE encouraged to attend.Writ- continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of PROVISIONS OF ten comments may be LEWIS COUNTY CODE submitted in advance of Centralia,and in said County and State,and of TITLE 5.15 MUSIC I the hearing by mail or at general circulation in said county for more than six FESTIVALS the hearing by delivery Y (6) 9 Y rY in cop- months prior to the date of the first publication of the person. e`asetletiver cop- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ies of all written comments Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was EN that the LEWIS to the Clerk of Board at on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal COUNTY BOARD OF 351 NW North St, Cheha COMMISSION- newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis ERS N(BOCC) will hold a lis,WA 98532. County. public hearing to receive The draft ordinance is and was published public testimony related to available on line at the And that the attached is a true copy P revised code provisions of Lewis County website at in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of Lewis County Code (LLC) http//lewiscountywa. said newspaper as Legal# 03/ Title 5.15. The hearing will qov/planning-division. be on February 2,2015 at Hard copies are available / •the Lewis County Court- to review at the Lewis ___ak__ house, commencing at or County Department of I Once each for a period of after 10:00 a.m. Community Development at 2025 NE Kresky Ave., eeftsetTrtiVe—_____d*_ At the hearing,members of Chehalis WA, and at the the public will be invited to Timberland Regional libra- speak and/or provide writ- ries located at: Chehalis, commencing on the ten statements regarding i I Centralia, Salkum, Randle, the proposed Ordinance Packwood,and Winlock as 1261. After the public I well as the Lewis County /3/k day / / 115 testimony portion of the Senior Centers located at: ' hearing has ended, the Morton, Toledo, Twin Cit- BOCC will deliberate and ies (Chehalis), Packwood, and ending on the consider the proposed Or- and Winlock. dinance 1261 along with For questions concerning public testimony. The pro day o i 015 and both the above, please contact posed Ordinance 1261 dated inclusive,a that such ne paper was David utin senior eypuat p P or without modifications.ith �prosecuting Attorney at regularly distributed to its subscribers during all 360.740.1488 or Lee Napi er, Director of Community of said period.That the full amount of the fee The hearing will address Development at charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of repealing all existing provi-g g p 360.740.1146. sion to LLC Title 5.15 and replacing code provisions This meeting site is barrier free. $ 7° fully described in proposed dinance 1261. The new People needing special assis- Ordinance re laces the cur- tance or accommodations should i 41 language P contact the BOCC Office 72 4..41 I I rent code provisions out- hours in advance of the meeting. lined in LLC Title phone:(360) 1120 5.15 Music Festivals and L#0131 January 13,2015 Subscribed and swim to me this establishes the minimum Published in The Chronicle NI - health, sanitary, i 1 safety, / and police standards which day o - 4 a ' 07 tk, Ge '&{-kt) 0111110/1 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, v�d`:4z',�ssloN Fxp�.9,� � Y 9 residing at =Y;` NOTARu'; _0„,kijiACUL1? y* PUBLIC :* i.