Call for Bids: Davis Creek Rd. Turnarounds & US 12 Intersection socc AGE* ITEM SUMMARY 'Resolution #: /5-216 BOCC Meeting Date: Jul 20, 2015 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Notice Call for sealed bids for the Davis Creek Rd. Turnarounds&US 12 Intersection Improvements Project- FEMA PW 260, CRP 2125 Brief Reason for BOCC Action: This resolution will give notice that a Call for Bids has been issued for the Davis Creek Rd. Turnarounds&US 12 Intersection Improvements Project- FEMA PW 260, CRP 2125. Submitted By: Amrine, Kim Phone: 2697 Date Submitted: Jul 08, 2015 RECEIVED Contact Person Who Will Attend BOCC Meeting: Tim Elsea JUL 0 g 2015 Action Needed: Call for Bids/Proposals LEWIS CO. PROS. ATTY. Publication Requirements: Hearing Date: Publications: East County Journal and Daily Journal of Commerce (Portland and Seattle) Publication Dates: Additional Copies Tim Fife,PW Kim Amrine,PW /44)1fr -3 u) STATE OF WASHINGTON-- KING COUNTY --ss. 326563 No. Lewis Co.Commissioners Affidavit of Publication The undersigned,on oath states that he is an authorized representative of The Daily Journal of Commerce,a daily newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this newspaper.The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12th day of June, 1941,approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court of King County. The notice in the exact form annexed,was published in regular issues of The Daily Journal of Commerce,which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice,a BC:DAVIS CR RD TURNAROUND was published on 07/22/15 08/05/15 The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the$um 68.00 which ame nt has been paid in full. •. i j, 1/2' Subsc 'b- . d s . to before me on 08/05/20 � 04 Notary public f./e tate •" ashington, m5h residing in Seattle AffdaVIT I 'qubfilication State of Washington, King County ` Lewis County Davis Creek Rd. Turnarounds&ViS 12 Intersection Informational copies of maps, Bid Date:August 11 plans and specifications are on C31 :p't :Bills'E for impaction in the office of It ICB Iii REB,€1 VB1,` the 'Ginty Engineer` Lewis County in Chehalis,Washington. at the Board of`.County The contract documents may be Commissioners of Lewis County viewed and downloaded from or designee, will open sealed' Lewis County's Web Site bids and publicly read them , lewiscountywa.gov/ or you may aloud on or after 11:30'a.m. on call the Lewis Count?Engineer's August 11, 2015, at-the Lewis 740-2612 tY m l County courthouse, Chehalis, office Cie ewiso or email Washington,for;the Davis Creek and rem request a copy be mailed goy Rd. Turnarounds & US 12 and request a copy be mail to Contractor questions and Intersection Improvements Project FEMA P 260,CRP 2125. Lewis County clarifying answers SEALED BIDS MUST BE will be posted on our websirs DELIVERED BY OR BEFORE and to ed �to all s Comity's registered on Lewis County's 11:00' A.M.`` on Tuesday, Planholder List. Plan or specifi- August 11,2015 cation changes shall be accom- (Lewis :County official time plished through official project is displayed on Axxess Intertel addendums. phones in the office of the Board of Lewis County Public County CommissiOners.Bids sub- Works Department in accordance rattled after 11:00 AM will not with Title VI of the Civil Rights be considered.**this project.) Act of 1964,.,98¢,satat. 252, 42 Sealed,proposals must be.doliy- U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title ered to the Clerk of the Board of 49,.Cede'.of Federal Regulations, Lewis Country'` Cohimissioaars Department' of Transportation, (351 NW.North Street,Room.210, subtitle A,Office of-the Secretary, CMS-01, Chehalis, Washington Port 21, .nondiscri;i thation in 98532), by or before 11:00 A.M. Federally assisted programs of on the date specified for open- the Department of Transportation and in an envelope'cl - - , , : .. marks :, "SEALED , K..a, _4:, ,. that it 'I i FOR T :DAMS CREEL - ` RD. TURNAROUNDS R , insure-that in say US 12 INE9 C:TTI�QN contract entered into pursuant to IMPROVEMF PROJECT m desadvantagsd -FEMA PW 200,,CRP 2125 TO i en.4 _f' at BE OPENED ON OR AFTER_ 'C -.hl a 11:30 AM ON AUGUST 11, ' ,ity „ ids 2015„ a s$r n ,nd All bid proposals shall be "' ' " t accompanied by a bid pro real, f ounds o race, cooOr deposit In cash,,certified deck,,: �fidnal origin,or sex in cons' onsid- cashier's check or surety bond in erationfor an award. an amount equal to five percent The Board o€ County (5%)of the amount`of such bid pro- Commissioners reserves the right posal. Should the successful bid- to reject any or all bids and to der fail to enter into such contract waive all informalities in the bid- and furnish satisfactory perfor- ding. mance bond within the time'stet- DATED this 20th day of July, ed in,the specifications the bid 2015. proposal deposit;, , `forfeited = Clerk of the Board of County to the Lewis . ,. .,sic!Works Commissioners ant. .. Lewis County,Washington - Date$ - = in Vie See416 ' Dais' Journal of- Commerce;'` 2'2, Aaiguot 5..Nat AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2 ``` DJC OFFICIAL DJC PUBLIC NOTICE 921 S.W.Washington St. Suite 210/Portland, OR 97205-2810 (503)226-1311 STATE OF OREGON,COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH--ss. I, Michelle Ropp , being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Principle Clerk of the Daily Journal of Commerce , a newspaper of general circulation in the counties of CLACKAMAS, MULTNOMAH, and WASHINGTON as defined by ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Portland in the aforesaid County and State; that I know from my personal knowledge that the Construction notice described as DAVIS CREEK RD.TURNAROUNDS&US 12 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT-FEMA PW 260, C Lewis County; Bid Location Chehalis,WA, Lewis County; Due 08/11/2015 at 11:00 AM a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for 3 time(s)in the following issues: ' LEWIS COUNTY -, D VIS tREEC RD.TURRN lNDS& 7/22/2015 7/29/2015 8/5/2015 MIA PW 260,CRP 2125 CALL-FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County or designee,will open sealed bids and publicly road Them aloud on or der State of Oregon 11:30 a.m. on August 11, 2015, at the County of Multnomah Lewis County Courthouse, Chehalis, Washington, for the Davis Creek Rd. Tumaiounds & US 12 Intersection Iwwsnwts Project -'FEMA PW 200, SIGNED OR ATTESTED BEFORE ME caP 2125.. SEALED BIDS MUST BE DELIVERED ON THE 5th DAY OF August,2015 11 BY OR BEFORE August n,at time s n to displayed f/_/- _ ` ` an Anew Martel in the Aloe of Contraacr Lewis t aunty the Board o •County Commissioners. Mi elle Ropp wiN be poe4d nn ours�P ) " website and sR ill Coil rs sewed Pte.must m a��a registered ell Levi's County's P{anhdder the•Clerlc of the Board of Lewis County ( �fii.r/��t� ,/ �wrs(361 N W North Street, r ..�_ . .. Room 21{i, C1Y4S501, Chehalis, / be '. , Washington 985321, by Or before 11:00 Wne, A.M. on the date specified for opening, Notary Publi -State of Oregon The "LSWm and n an ' clearly Marked: the eisi R Ad of` ,78'# t 1 'BBID 1 Tti US 12{ EIC WIER- 42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and` le RD.TtiNNAAous s ik us 12 $e nON iMP $ PRAY' `,i��',,'�, OFFICIAL STAMP Code of Federal ,s, - MIA PW 260, CRP'2125 TO BE r . "y FELICIA MARIE DELGATTO OPENED ON OR Anti! 11:30 A.A. v*" Cgta Yi 1 rte', ON AUGUS '11,2015".. . }" NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON n Al ",^,{ COMMISSION NO.934768 Progra►r of the IStfi�t` Abe accompanied MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JANUARY 26,2019 triton issued pursuant :to such AC�t. tiff d c cf, cashiers deposit or surety hereby notes all bidders that It w bonds in ann a ca ttequ r to five or euet affirmatively In a that in argr'`CO t t5%)of the amount of such bid proposal. entered into pursuant to Should the successful bidder fail to enter ` - into such ntract and fweise eat{afectory entertaiseS as defined at t Part 26 petlonnt nlit e.hannd within on time staled will`he 13ffalded full oPpOrt ty st Nhit in the speci ications,`the bid Proposal Karri Muir bids in response to this invitation.....”^ deposit shall be forfeited to the Lewis not be discriminated against on the CouR f l Works Lewis County grounds-or race,color,or national origin, , . 351 NW North St or sex in consldera n to an award. file for The Boca/°of County Corrnnissioners inspection in the office of the a Cou ty Chehalis,WA 98532-1926 reserves t right to reset an ter ail i of Lewis Co in Chehalis, and to waive all lift w"-7,7les in ifte �- '_The-contract documents bract mat be viewed downloaded from ft 34 . Lewis Cornry's IVO is 0 20,, ,'° t- 7F�'5 F cr ems