Establishment of 2016 County Road Construction Projects by County Forces 1 CC)1 Stu *O T;i`C if,, ,or' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 'S , . r ,, -r °'fit q'¢-c VS.g STATE OF WASHINGTON ,. ' r � ..' COUNTY OF LEWIS SS ., The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative . - }Y 0 : of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a {T" A4 legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more , T' :x` g g � � t �.� than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, ofd published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper ..,, in Morton,Lewis County,Washington, and it is now and during all of _ L , said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this newspaper. b � fo '`,,4 • "c calcndtat � 0. The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues `� # of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its c. .� ,_. lisp subscribers during the below stated period. ., *,,,,,W" T9. . The annexed notice,a ,k: x o1 7 . le_,,,,,A e.,ov.0-r ttO-0 i&A., 7.1,,,i -,,..,, ,f, . ., - , 1 mot. QEL . (� 0 /4 °. 16 `r. 3R was published on � � ' Program,.,� �i 4 :, 16 Misc. 4 itt The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum 44'--,_4 &•, ;3 *. nO x,000 '94 of$ TOM-, Y 4 :L ..._ !costa � no , •t i it Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of t'It c)0/4 ' — � $ oomilinimbi� Notary Public in and for the �NJP:E•.C:.ki"i.. State of Washington Q..:+�\SSIO�yF ;\/ Residing in Onalaska NOTAR y9�'r" '''‘\('&11181-IC 1 */////#011111111100 A S H N ��°`'