Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Crosby Street, Centralia jo - (c -002
NOTICE Treasurer's .Deed
COUNTY OF LEWIS , .issued.forthe property.
Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of EN the Board of The County reserves. the
County Commissioners ;right to reject;any and all
(BOCC),; Lewis County, bith.
ig , Washington,intends to sell
%9�CDIIILYP tax 0027s3,001 s c Q
consisting of 1.01 acres of men 4,2016
land located off Crosby St, Clerk of the
a semi-weekly newspaper,which has been established, Centralia. The below,.de,. County Board
published in the English language,and circulated scribed l•—• -ccr. ,,Lewis t.C�ounty COnmissioners.
continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of ve ad to Le • •by
pub:.oiit eriiiioy
Centralia,and in said County and State,and of , "; Journal-January tlth
general circulation in said county for more than six(6) a, ii. . , u uoo p and January 13th 2016 erty
months prior to the date of the first publication of the �. a Jy: 2016 Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was has , , _, .
on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal for t, O on: ='
newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County. amount of the tax delin- Parcel No 002760 001
quency and miscellaneous Q08+ approximately 1.01
And that the attached is a true copy and was published Treasurer's 'fees. RCW „acres'described as:
in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of 36.35.150 allows for the That portion of the Kritzer
said newspaper as Legal Ad#88463 disposal of the property by [k'nation Larld Claim 'in
private !NOV*.
/ ; ing that the final wile price a Section 4, Township 14
once each •r a period of 1 is-no less than the prinrapal
North, Range 2 West,
� of the unpaid iAl:�fl, described in deed
cons utive OI%� taxes. Notice of the recorded February 1'f,
/ 'BOCC's iritenrt to sell the: 2014 under Lewis.County
property is hereby given to' .Auditor's,File No.3410/55.
commencing on 01/0 /2016 the public'ab.required by L#88463 January 5,2016
.LCC 330.390,thereby pro- :Qubiished inT a Chronicle
and ending on 01/05/2016 piding an opportunity to
and both regularly distributed to its subscribers during 'tsr purchase by
all of said period.That the full amount of the fee iOifer of more favorable
charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of
$ 162.95 Purchaser shah have five
days from the date of
��./L L 1!' may■ /_I award to pay for the
property in "cash or by
cashier's check.Upon pay
S : .-• • d sworn e c 01/05/2016 / meta to the=Cant Trams-,
?-I..114 li 321 hd41i1®,':
%10&114fiL4. r .6
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,
re ding at
(I litlikj11-4 -122b
R: .o �P
G g z.
. +�e
j,, s `ifIT of W`i`0,
that the, Beard of County
Commissioners (BOCC), Lewis
Count,Washington, intends to
'sell tint parcel 0027$0 001 0011,
a 1.01 acres of land
SS ' _ '44.
The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative the moan aitha Mx daliegYaeat
of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a ' _ er's;;
legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more `1T ''' Mk
than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, the st n got of the property. at
published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper `P
P g • Y Y 4n81 We price isa<o'less than
in Morton,Lewis County,Washington, and it is now and during all of the principal amount of the unpand
said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of iraa.Noeof the"BOCC'a_intent
publication of this newspaper. n$1 t is 1fi y.given
to the public as required by LCC
The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues °PO:e mit thereby com providing ae n
of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its
subscribers during the below stated period. by cha of shall favorable five price
g P �,Purcirager shat) have five dads
The annexed notice,a _[_ ffom thee date of award to pay
/ `r /7�/�e[ 1 �b L f �G�-�yL for the grope k. in cash or by
casluec's ahec�t.,Upon payment
go he County Treasurer in the
Q Cole use,Chehalis,Washington,
JT&fl!Q 00c'7ST. 00/ ,001 aTreasUIVr's Deed will be issued for
--, / the property.
was published on 3 aft L 7L43 j .2414 County e the right to
reject any and all
DATED:*nary 4,2016
Clerk of the Lewis County Board
)wish: East.County Journal
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum J 6•and January 13'"2016
5N _January 6,2016
of$ I1 T '. 002780 001 44th,
4 4* 1.01 acres described
t , ' " the Kritzer Oonation
Subscribed and sworn to before me this /31 day of Q-U cb/�e Land Claire m .4ownship
OW/ 14 North, 2 West,W:M.,
described inr eed recorded February
Att_,� (.i U.�---" . , 2014 under Lewis ' •-
Auditor's l N141075 .:, g
���\„tl�ill ' Notary Public in and for the
\\\e�� �(1�hllhii Pt+blishin East
�v p. ,. :.J� ,ir State of Washington lemma
��� 'y,;SSIpNs Residing in Onalaska Jaaray6, wyr13,2 .
` � �=NOTAR
N , P( ^ s Tr
1/,iii�W ASlHgN\\\,•