Notice of Hearing: Franchise to Mashell Telecom, Inc. -3-1A) .-- i ti--117-i 'NOTICE.OF NQTICE IS T 1 Y OWEN that the Board of co , ommissioners° 4. s,, a*; ounty,W AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION n'apphc eli elecom, ,,. or a ,>; : k `-hiss to ons•.1 � ,d maintain STATE OF WASHINGTON l ;4 el facilities on OW I SS . < s Lewis County COUNTY OF LEWIS .. . T'own s:- Y` V I west,W.M. The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative " > 2 Wei,W.M. of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, '1 , published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper 14 N. 3"' in Morton,Lewis County,Washington, and it is now and during all of 15 North,Range 2 West,WM"'""� said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of And Sections 25 thru 36,Township 15 North,Range 3 West,W.M. publication of this newspaper. The franchise being considered is for a period of five years. The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues Said application and all related of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its materials have been reviewed by subscribers during the below stated period. the BOCC and found appropriate The annexed notice,a for further proceedings. A hearing on said non-exclusive /�/@4 f 1 e� 0 ( ,b C L(f franchise will be held on the 1st day l� r f 4-itarliA‘ I I l�L�3 \ ofFebruary,2016,ator atterthe hour �'�'-� n of 10:00 a.m.,in the Commissioners 1. Q,[.t Q.c�.iv� -f-d�l`J. Hearing Room on the 2nd floor of �`�� 1/ the Historic Courthouse in Chehalis, // Washington,when and where all was published on s._j&i.t,, (� +/,, c=0 4/4 persons may appear and be heard upon the granting of said franchise. RCW 36.55.040 requires that notice of hearing be posted in three public places in the county seat of.the The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum county at least 15 days before the /j day fixed for hearing, and also of$ / published two times in the official l� 1 tutwapaper of the county,the last J pubhcationto be not less t an 5 days for Subscribed and sworn to before me this /t.0.-4' day of . et It 4/r/ ,, y Clack oftbeLewis Camay olpR : /� \\ • , Cawt r C An Mull hoots ,,ti, Q Q�(J. V/14- P i11 TM dial* \���1��OiliiiiiItf11�/U/// Notary Public in and for the J 6' I3' t .' Ft. ..••••:.`1.4/Si/iss State of Washington e (0...°` 6SION z*�' , Residing in Onalaska om 'oeL C N y , :°'' /Mill li I MOP