Notice: Temporary Closure of Koontz Road -0-24 tid
that the Board of County
STATE OF WASHINGTON Commissioners, Lewis County,
COUNTY OF LEWIS } SS Washington, approved the ■
temporary closure of Koontz Road
to all through traffic due to damages
The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative to the Koontz Road overpass across
of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a Interstate 5 located between Mile
Post 1.95 and Mile Post 2.0 as a
legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more result of an accident on Interstate
than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, 5.Koontz Road will be closed'to
published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper all through traffic between North
in Morton,Lewis County,Washington, and it is now and during all of Military Road and Coulson Road.
said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of Koontz Road will remain open for
publication of this newspaper. local access from either end up to,
but not beyond,the points of closure
and other roads are available for
The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues detour.Pursuant to RCW 47.48.010
of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its and .020; beginning 12:00 a.m.
subscribers during the below stated period. April 11,2016 and ending at 6:00
The annexed notice,a P.M. December 31,2017,Koontz
Road'between North Military Road.
a-M Ora J ( .e, Z and Coulson Road,in Section 36,
Township 13 North,Range 2 West,
W.M.;and Section 1,Township 12
North,Range 2 West,W.M.,shall be
closed to all through traffic.
i ./ DATED:April 4,2016
was published on LQ C� l(P Kam Muir CMC
Clerk of the Board of County
Published in The East County
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum April 6,2016
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of i —__
Notary Public in and for the
State of Washington
Nr.j 9�,m c Residing in Onalaska ifyk
17 411i7
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