2nd 2019 Budget Amendment BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON RE LEWIS COUNTY 2019 BUDGET, EMERGENCY AND SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO AND TRANSFERS WITHIN CURRENT EXPENSE ) RESOLUTION NO 19- gg- I AND OTHER FUNDS WHEREAS, this matter coming on for hearing pursuant to public notice as provided by law, all members being present and there being no objection, and the same having been published in the on July 16th and 23rd 2019, and WHEREAS, RCW 36 40 140 includes provisions for the expenditure of money not provided for at the time of setting of the budget through a hearing and a majority vote of the commissioners, and WHEREAS, information exists which could not reasonably have been determined at the time of setting of the original budget, which now constitutes the need to appropriately include such information in the financial accounts and records of the County; and all members of the Board of County Commissioners of Lewis County, Washington, having had reasonable notice of time, place and purpose of this meeting NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that expenditures in the amount of $5,434 376 be increased and revenue in the amount of $3,667,215 be increased, resulting in a decrease in estimated ending fund balance in the amount of $1,767,161 Funds will be placed in the budgets within Current Expense and other funds as indicated and distributed in the revenue and expenditure accounts detailed on "Schedule A" Funds may legally be transferred from one item to another within said budget DONE IN OPEN SESSION, this 29th day of July 2019 9••••• : . -D OF COUNTY COM ISSIONERS • ,113\s CO UNo 4�,°• LE IS COUNTY, WASH GTON •• O4/i ARD \fir • .g,, SINCE ;o° l • 0 1845 R!*: Robert C Jackson Chair • •• I G • ATTEST. • ••••••- Gary amp: , Vice C Fair / ,- Clerk of the Board Edna J Fund, Co uj ssioner Page 1 of 1 2019 2nd BUDGET AMENDMENT BRIEF OVERVIEW As of 7120019 431,083 noticed amount General Fund 'Revenue 'Expenditures Amendment Description Changes 002 Auditor 14.69.5 Increase expenditures for annual leave payout Increase costs related to indigent defense for child 008 Superior Court 150,000 support contempt cases and guardianship cases. Increase for guardian ad litem cases in Family Law as well as Increase for jury cost for upcoming murder trials Increase expenditures for projected costs related to 010 Prosecutor 53.532 murder trials,increase in professional services and training due to chanoes in staff assignments Increase revenue and expenditures for US Marshalls 021 Sheriff 56,495 58,038 contract as well as US Forest Service and WASPC Traffic Safety grant _ Increase contribution to General Liability due to the rise Various bus Departments 154,818 in insurance premiums as well as the continued increase costs in managing and coordinating public records requests TOTALS CURRENT EXPENSE 56.495 431,083 0 Total Changes Current Expense 431,083 Total after changes USE OF FUND BALANCE OTHER FUNDS Revenue Expenditures Amendment Description 4,992,391 Noticed amount • 1060 Southwest Washington Fair 30,000 30,000 Increase revenue and expenditures for the Rodeo dudna the annual SWW Fair 1070 Communications E911 250 010'increase expenditures for purchase of server to support 911 operations and dispatch services Increase revenue and expenditures for additional 1100 CD-MH-TC Mental Health Tax 176,740 178.740 funding for the MAT program in the LC Jail Increase revenue and expenditures for the Mickelson 1170 Roads 1,875,000 1,912,354 Parkway project.Transfer in of grant funds from.09 Distressed Counties Fund(see below)and grant funds from WA State through the capital budget Increase revenue and expenditures for the Packwood 1260 Cowlitz River Basin Subzone 637.000 637,000 FEMA Floodplain Study funded by grant funds from the WA State Department of Commerce Increase revenue and expenditures for costs related to 1210 Community Development 390,000 240.000 the Skookumchuck wind lane project.Increase permitting fees to pay for additional professional 'services,overtime and vehicle purchase Increase expenditures(transfer out)for Michelson 1300 Distressed Counties.09 1.125,000 Parkway project.Project will be coordinated by the Road fund 1600 Criminal Drug Investigation Fund 17,477 17,477 Increase revenue and expenditures for traffic safety grant to pay for law enforcement motorcycle program 'Increase costs for the maintenance and renovation of 3010 Capital Maintenance,Equipment and Replacement 60,620 the Judging Pavilion at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Increase revenue and expenditures for grant funds for Hazo Hut skin replacement.Central Transfer Station 4010 Solid Waste 140,343 264,467 and East Lewis County Transfer station maintenance and repair.Increase contribution from SWDD#1 Fund 4150 for operations. Increase revenue for donation for the 25th anniversary celebration and increase expenditures for contribution 4150 Solid Disposal District 2.500 102,793 to Solid Waste Fund 4010 for grant match,Central Transfer Station and East Lewis County Transfer station maintenance and repair.Change to noticed amount for GL rate increase(transfer to 4010) 10,902 Increase contribution to General Liability due to the rise Various Risk Management General Liability 186,842 in insurance premiums as wall as Me continued increase costs in managing and coordinating public records requests _ 5120 Risk Management General Liability 341.660 Increase contribution from county departments for General Liability allocated by FTE 5,423,474 Total Noticed Amount Other Funds and CE TOTALS OTHER FUNDS 3,610.720 5,003,293 10,902 USE OF FUND BALANCE (1,392,573) 5,434,376 Total Exp Changes other funds and CE GRAND TOTAL 3,667,215 5,434,376 (1,767,161) Total Amendment after changes Lewis County Washington 2019 BUDGET AMENDMENT"SCHEDULE A Budget Amendment Resolution#19.••• QRG 081 CT BUOGET AmENDnlE'., REVISED BUOG0 Emer9ency7 Supplemental CURRENT EXPENSE FUNS 0010 REVENUE SHERIFF 02IAREV 342103 50,000 23.261 70.261 US Marshal's contract SHERIFF 021AREV 342104 23067 23.067 US Forest Service aontracI SHERIFF 02IAREV 347900 1,512 1.512 Trolnina even!revenue SHERIFF 021 AREV 333200 11.655 11,655 WASPC Traffic and Safely eauioment aranl 50.000 54,415 106,495 AUDITOR 00251423 513000 SICK/VAC PAYOUT 13.632 13.632 Increase for annual leave payout AUDITOR 00251424 522000 SOC SEC 34,587 1.043 35.630 AUDITOR 00251425 527000 PAID FML 20 20 SUPERIOR CRT 008.51591 541000 PROF SERV 60,000 30,000 90.000 Increase cost for GuardIOn ad Stems In family low SUPERIOR CRT 00851592 541000 PROF SERV 30.50) 30,000 68,000 Investloalors/oolvaraohs and honscrlots SUPERIOR CRT. 00851221 549120 JUROR COSTS 54211 30,000 84,211 Juror cosh SUPERIOR CRT. 00851591 541130 DEFATTRNY COSI 90.000 60.000 150,000 Defense attorney costs PROSECUTOR 01015131 543000 TRAVEL 2500 5.000 7.500 ncrease travel costs for training PROSECUTOR 01041535 531000 SUPPLIES 23,556 5,000 28.556 ncrease for supplies PROSECUTOR 01041535 541000 PROF SERVICES 25.000 20,600 45,000 ncrease in professional services tor trial costs PROSECUTOR 01041535 541140 INTERPRETER 10.000 5,000 15400 ncreose for interpreter services PROSECUTOR 01041535 543000 TRAVEL 4,000 5.000 9400 ncrease travel coils for iralnina PROSECUTOR 01001535 513000 SICKNAC PAYOUT 4,532 4.532 ncrease for sick and vacolion oovoul PROSECUTOR 01001535 543030 TRAVEL 4,500 4.070 8.500 ncreose travel costs for training PROSECUTOR 01041535 549110 WITNESS TRAVEL 2000 5400 7,030 ncreose costs for vicIm/witness travel SHERIFF 02102121 535000 SMALL TOOLS 1.497 1.497 US Marsholls contract. SHERIFF 021C2121 512000 OVERTIME 15,000 10,595 25.595 US Marsholis controct- SHERIFF 02102121 522000 1140 INS 32.428 810 33.238 U5 Marshalls contract SHERIFF 02102121 523000 RETIREMENT 23.018 575 23.593 US Marshal's contract. SHERIFF 02192122 51200) OVERTIME 37000 6400 43400 US Marshalls contract- SHERIFF 021E2172 522000 IND INS 97.237 459 97.696 US Marshal's contract. SHERIFF 02192122 523000 RETIREMENT 70.950 326 71,276 USMarshalls con Eact- SHERIFF 02292340 549000 MISC 19,900 1.479 21.379 Tuition reimbursemenl SHERIFF 021E2122 512010 OVERTIME 82000 20.399 102399 Conlrocl with US Forest Service SHERIFF 02192122 522005 SOC SEC 97,237 1561 98,798 Contract with US Forest Service SHERIFF 02192122 523000 RETIREMENT 70.950 1,170 72.120 Contract with US Forest Service SHERIFF 02152140 531000 SUPPLIES 11400 12 11.012 Increase calls for iraiNn0 even) SHERIFF 021142140 541000 PROF SERVICES 2000 1,150 3,150 Increase costs for training even! SHERIFF 02TN2140 545000 RENTALS/LEASES 100 350 450 Increase costs for hoiana even) SHERIFF 02192122 531000 SUPPLIES 12875 4.855 17.730 Traffic safetyeaWOment-aranl funded SHERIFF 02192122 535000 SMALL TOOLS 12.500 6.800 19.300 Traffic safety eauloment.oranl funded BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI 00151160 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 1,943 583 2526 Mid year ad■usiment based on GE Cosh BOCC BUDGET OFFICE 00151423 59 6023 ?MEND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 635 191 826 AUDIT0RADMINISTRATI0 00251310 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 701 210 911 AUDITOR FINANCIAL SVC 00251423 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 2465 740 3.205 AUDITOR RECORDING 00251430 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 701 210 911 AUDITORUCENSING 00251481 596020 NTRFND-GENLIABCO INS RATE 1.052 316 1.368 ELECTIONS 00351440 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 1,000 300 1.300 I ASSESSOR 00451424 596020 NTRENOGEN!JAB-CO INS RATE 34,341 10.298 44.639 ASSESSOR OPEN SPACE 03451481 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 1.397 419 1.816 HUMAN RESOURCES 00551810 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 855 257 1,112 TREASURER 00651422 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 2.244 673 2,917 CLERK 03751230 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 5.355 1.607 6,962 SUPERIOR COURT 00851221 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 2.441 732 3.173 DISTRICT COURT 00951240 596020 NTRFNDGEN UABCO INS RATE 12.088 3.626 15.714 PROSECUTING ATTY CIVI 01051531 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 1,402 421 1.823 PROSECUTING ATTY CRIM 01051570 596020 MRFNDGEN UABCO INS RATE 540 162 702 PROSECUTING ATTY CHIT 01057583 596020 NTRFND-GEN UABCO INS RATE 1242 373 1.615 PROSECUTING ATTY ADMI 01041535 596020 NTRFND-GEN UABCO INS RATE 1.162 349 1.511 PROSECUTING ATTY CRIM 01001535 596020 NTRFND-GEN UABCO INS RATE 5.915 1.775 7.690 SELF INSURANCE ADMIN 01251900 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 701 210 911 COUNTY ADMINISTRATON 01551310 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 701 210 911 CIVIL SERVICE 02052110 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 152 46 198 SHERIFF-ADMIN 021A2110 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 15.455 4,637 20,092 SHERIFF-SPCC UNIT DRU 02162123 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 10,540 3.162 13.702 SHERIFF-INVESTIGATION 02102121 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 18971 5.691 24.662 SHERIFF-INV RSOA/RV P 02102121 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB•CO INS RATE 1,756 527 2283 SHERIFF-PATROL 02192172 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB•CO INS RATE 56.559 16,948 73,527 SHERIFF-PROPERTY ROOM 02142180 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 3,664 1,159 5.023 I SHERIFF-PURCHASING 021/2110 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 351 105 456 SHERIFFLAW£EIFORCE R 021K2110 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 2.455 737 3.192 SHERIFF-TRAFFIC POLIC 021M2170 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 35,130 10.539 45.669 JAIL-ADMIN 02242310 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 11.591 3.477 15.068 JAIL-PRISONER CARE 52202360 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 112,971 33,891 146.862 JAIL ALTERNATIVE SA NC 02202360 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 28,455 8.537 36.992 JAIL-TRANSPORT 022E2360 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 17,916 5,375 23,291 JUVENILE ADMIN 02352710 596020 NTRFNDGENUABCO INS RATE 4.214 1.264 5,478 JUVENILE LEGAL 02352730 596020 NTRFNOGEN LIABCO INS RATE 7026 2108 9.134 JUVENILE LEGAL GAL 02352731 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 1.005 302 1.307 JUVENILE CASE SUPERVI 02352740 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 24591 7377 31968 JUVENILE BECCA GRANT 02352741 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 3.864 1,159 5,023 JUVENILE CUSTODY 02352760 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 55,825 16,748 72573 ANIMAL SHELTER 05255430 596020 NTR9ND-GEN LIABCO INS RATE 16.062 4,819 28881 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD 05355660 596020 NTRE/JDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 18 5 23 CORONER 06056320 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIA13-00 INS RATE 7,835 2351 10,186 W51/EXTENSION 07057121 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIABCO INS RATE 500 150 650 ■ BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 08051 424 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 74 22 96 1,448,610 431.083 1,879.693 1/5 FUND BALANCE 0010000 291803 Estimated ending fund bal. 13/4.5881 Chance In fund balance (374,588i Lewis County Washington 2019 BUDGET AMENDMENT'SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment Resolution 9T9' SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON FAIR FUND 1060 REVENUE 1060AREV 347400 EVENT&ADMISSION 260.000 30.000 290000 Increase revenue for Rodeo proceeds 260000 30,000 290,000 EAPENOHURES 10655730 5411000 PROF SERVICES 168,000 30.030 178000 Increase for Rodeo expenditures 148,000 30,000 178.000 S ........ COMMUNICATIONS E-911 FUND 1070 ,,_., ,, _ „_.. ._:'x:".'s.o EXPENOPURE3 10759428 564000 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 0 250.000 250,000 Increase for replacement server for Spillman O 250.000 250,000 E FUND BALANCE 10700000 291800 Estimated ending fund bat. 250.a.K4 Chance In fund Polonce 623CC' CD-MH-TC MN TAX FUND 1100 REVENUE 1100EREV 332934 MEDICAID TRANS DEMO 176.740 176.740 Increase revenue for MAT funding O 176,740 176,740 EXPENDITURES 11502369 541000 PROF SERVICES 437.216 176.740 613956 Increase prof services for MAT program services 437,216 176.740 613,956 S ROAD FUND 1170 ... REVENUE 1170130 397000 TRANSFER IN FROM.09 1,125.000 1,125.0100 09 funds for Makelson Parkway oroiecl 1170AREV 3'3)16 MOTOR VENICLE ACCOUNT-STATE 750.000 750.000 State tunas for Nickelson Parkway aal8ci 0 1,875,000 1,875,000 EXPENDITURES 1754310 510000 SALARY/WAGES 537.459 26.370 563829 ncreose for added Accountirw Manager position 1754310 521000 IND INS 1.717 90 1.807 naease for added Accounting Manager position 1754310 5247.0 SOC SEC 43104 3.344 46,448 naease for added Accounting Manager position 1754310 523000 RETIREMENT 67.615 7,500 74.915 ncrease fa added Accountino Manager position 1754310 524000 MEDICAL 101.172 11 101,183 naeasa for added ACCOUnBng Manager position 1754310 525000 LIFE INS 209 39 248 ncreose or added Accounting Manager position 1754310 527000 PAID FML 1759530 548300 ROAD MAINTENANCE 1.875,000 1875.000 ncrease 1pr Mickelson Parkway oroiecl 751.076 1.912,354 2,663,430 E/S FUND BALANCE 1170000 2918000 Estimated endng fund bat. 137.354 Chance in hind balance 137.354, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 1210 REVENUE 1210AREV 334033 WS CONS COMM(VSP) 92100 60.003 152100 Increase grant lundna for VSP mowom 12108REV 345830 PLAN CHECK SERVICES 403,000 130,(73) 530000 Increase permit fees for Skookurnchuck wind energy prefect 12108REV 322100 BLDG PERMIT FEES 710000 20003) 910000 Increase permit fees for Skookumchuck wind energy protect 1,202.100 390,000 1,592,100 EXPENDITURES 12152410 541030 PROF SERVICES 92.100 60.000 15210) Consultant services for Voluntary Stewardship Program 12152420 511000 EXTRA HELP 70,000 70.000 Costs 05800)0180)4418 Skookumchuck wind enerov ordeal 121529424 564000 CAPITAL EQUIP 30.000 30000 Costs associated with Skookumchuck wind energy protect 12152420 512000 OVERTIME 70500 70.000 Cogs associated with Skookumchuck wind enerav Prefect 12152420 532000 FUEL 10,000 10.000 Costs associated with Skookumcnuck wind enemy ordeal 92,100 240,000 332,100 S FUND BALANCE 121000O3 2918000 Estimated ending fund bd. 150,000 Change in fund balance 150,000 COWLITZ RIVER BASIN SU62ONE FUND 1240 _. _. . . REVENUE 1260AREV 334042 DEPT.OF COMMERCE 637.500 637,000 Deoanment of Commerce pront lot FEMA flood plain study 0 637,000 637000 EXPENDITURES 12655860 541000 PROF SERVICES 637.500 637.003 Professional Services for FEMA Rood pldn study 0 437,000 437,000 S Lewis County Washington 2019 BUDGET AMENDMENT"SCHEDULE A Budget Amendment Resolution#19."' DISTRESSED COUNTIES FUND 1300 EXPENDITURES 13055930 552000 INTERGOV CONT 2.125.030 1,125.000 3.250000 Increase for Mickeison Parkway Project-PW Fundno 2,125,000 1,125.000 3,250,000 E FUND BALANCE 13007000 291800 Estimated analog Lund bat. Chance in fund balance CRIMINAL DRUG INVESTIGATION FUND 1600 REVENUE I600AREV 333200 FED INDIRECT DOT - 1 7,477 17,477 WA traffic Commission oront for Law Ent.Motorcycle or60ram 0 17,477 17,477 EXPENDITURES 16052123 526,300 UNIFORMS 5.830 4.885 10.685 Increase In uniform costs 16052123 531000 SUPPLIES 33,000 4.290 37.290 Increase forsuooies. 16052123 535000 SMALL 1001.S 4,000 8,302 1 2,302 Increase for small tools 42800 17,477 60.277 S CAPITAL MAINT.L EQUIP.REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR FUND 3010 EXPENDITURES 30157540 531000 SUPPUES 30,000 30,000 ncrease for costs associated with Inc"old iudainO oavIBon" 30157540 510000 SALARIES/WAGES 10.000 10000 20000 ncrease for costs associated with the"old iuddno pavilion" 30157540 521000 IND INS 120 120 ncreose for costs associated with the"old Iudpino pavilion" 30157540 522000 SOC SEC 2.000 2.300 ncreose for costs 000010 led with the"old iuddna eavilon" 30157540 510000 SALARIES/WAGES 5000 5.000 ncrease for costs ossocloled with the"old iudalno oo68on" 30157540 541000 PROF SERVICES 2,500 6.000 8.500 ncreose for costs 00000ted with the"old 1uclaIna oaNlon" 30157540 545000 RENTALS 7,502 7.500 ncreose for costs ossocioted w911 the"old ludain0 Dovilon" 12,500 60,620 73,120 E f(NO BALSNCF 3010000 291800 Estimated ending fund bat. _ Chance in fund balance SOLID WASTE FUND 4010 REVENUE 4010AREV 334031 DOE GRANT 26.659 34.125 60.784 Increase Grant funds for Ham Hut replacement 4010AREV 343700 SW SALES&SERV 2385386 -..,.,2 2.484,604 Increase conlribunon from 5Vr6OD 4010LREV 334031 DOE GRANT 26659 7(00 33.659 DOE Grant 2438.704 140,343 2579,047 Chong*to notced omounl EXPENDITURES 401113700 562000 BLDG AND STRUCTURES 90.000 90,000 Increase costs to reobce Ham but membrane 40103700 541000 PROF SERVICES 193,755 50,000 243,755 Increase professional services to oadlonal wood arindlna services 40183700 541000 PROF SERVICES 108.325 7,816 116,141 DOH Grant match 40183700 541000 PROF SERVICES 5.500 5,500 DOH Grant match 401A37130 541900 PROF SERVICES 5.500 :5.:30, Chance in Roe items 40155370 535000 SMALL TOOLS 4,300 4,300 Increase cost for replacement of pumps stolen From londTll bract. 40155370 548000 REPAIRS&MAINT. 2500 8.700 11.200 Increase cost for InstoBa0On of Pumps 40155370 541000 PROF SERVICES 23(00 11000 34.000 Increase for well testing 40159437 563000 CAPITAL IMPROVMENTS - 6.500 6.500 Re0locernent of sign at Irareter station 4011.3700 531000 SUPPLIES 5.500 6300 11.800 Supplies for utter program 40113700 535030 SMALL TOOLS 700 700 Comers purchase to morslo Sumo etas 40113700 548000 REPAIRS&MAINE 85,000 62151 147,151 Increase costs for repairs to waste chutes of ELCTS 40113700 548000 REPAIRS&MAINT. 17,00) 17,000 Tipoino Hoot repairs at the Central Transfer Station 40155370 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 910 33 143 ncreose for GL rotes-rid year°dustmen 40183700 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 6.174 1.852 8,026 ncrease for GL rates-rid year aduslmen 40143700 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 3,513 0054 4.567 ncrease for GL rates-mid 000100uslmen 401L3700 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAN'CO INS RATE 351 105 456 ncreose for GL roles-rid year aduslmen 40TR3700 596020 NTREND-GEN LIMB-CO INS RATE 351 105 456 ncreose for GL rates-mid vear°dustmen 40113700 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 25,844 7,753 33,597 ncreose to GL rotes-mid year°dustmen 459,923 275,369 735.292 FUND BALANCE 4010000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal. Chonoe In fund balance 3,,0:41 E/S SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT FUND 4150 . REVENUE 4150BREV 367000 DONATIONS 2.500 2,500 Don0HOns for 251h Anniversary Celebration 0 2.500 2500 EXPENDITURES 41583700 591000 INTERFUND CONT 88,316 88.316 Connibutbn to Sold Wasle to oront match,CO mid landfill Esp. 41563700 591000 INTERFUNO CONT, 10.902 10,902 Conhtbullon to Sold Waste for Groot match.CTS and IarW50 EnS. 41583700 549000 MISC 3,575 3,575 Increase costs for 25th anniversary celebration 0 102793 102,793 E Change to noticed amount FUND BALANCE 4150000 291800 Estimated ending fund bat Crlanae in fund balance Lewis County Washington 2019 BUDGET AMENDMENT"SCHEDULE A Budget Amendment Resolution 919-••• 6EII,ERA(.UMIUMINCREASE:-YARgU4 1400 , ..- _ J ESPENOIWREW EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0152510 596020 NTRFND-GEN uA0-CO INS RATE 1.233 370 1.603 MW yeas adluah ion,baled on GL cONM VETERANS RELIEF 0356520 596020 !MEND-GEN JAB-CO INS RATE 270 81 351 SOC SVCS COMMUNITY MO 0455720 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO MS RATE 18 5 23 SOCIAL SERVICES 0456210 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 842 253 1,095 SS HOUSING HOMELESS S 0456540 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 389 117 506 DBHRCSAP SERVICES 0456622 596020 MRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 688 206 894 SS OD ADMINISTRATION 0456800 596020 MEND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 266 80 346 SW/YE-DISCOVER LEWISC 0655730 596023 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 351 105 456 SWW FAIR INTERIM EVEN 0657330 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 1.269 381 1.650 SWW FAIR 0657370 596020 61110961DGEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 7,671 2.301 9.972 COMMUNICATIONS 0752810 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 8.253 2.476 10.729 TREASURERS CAM 0851422 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1169-COINS RATE 351 105 456 DRUG COURT-SUPERIOR C 1051221 596033 NTRFNDGEN 568-CO INS RATE 6,462 1.939 8.401 DRUG COURT-FAMILY COO 1051222 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 3,882 1.165 5.047 DRUG COURT-JAIL 1052360 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 3.514 7,054 4.568 DC-SOC SVCS-MENTAL HE 1056454 596020 NTRFNDGENLIAB-CO INS RATE 194 58 252 DRUG CRT-PAG CLAIM/U 1091535 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 190 57 247 DC-PAO-MENTAL HEALTH 1OC1535 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 190 57 247 NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL 1255360 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 1.152 346 1,498 RDS MAINT-ENGINEERING 1754210 596023 NTRFNDGEN 1168-CO INS RATE 6,024 1.807 7,831 RDS MAINT-ROADWAY 1754230 596020 NTRFNO-GEN 1168-CO INS RATE 56638 17.650 76,488 RDS MAINT-DRAINAGE 1754240 596020 MRFND-GEN 11ABCO INS RATE 24.391 7,317 31,708 RDS MAINT-STRUCTURES 1754250 596020 NTRFNDGEN 1160-CO INS RATE 1,800 540 2.340 RIDS-TRAFFIC CNTRL DEV 1754264 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 26,290 7,807 34,177 RDS-SNOW AND ICE CONT 1754266 596020 NTRMD-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 5.761 1.728 7.489 RDS MAINT-5T CLEANING 1754267 596020 5112810-GEN 1169CO INS RATE 1.152 346 1.498 RDS MAINT-ROADSIDE 1754270 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 77.203 23.157 100.360 RDS MAIM-ADMIN&OVR 1754290 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 83.706 24.212 104.918 RIDS ADMIN-MANAGEMENT 1754310 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 6.309 1,893 8.202 RDS UND ENGENGINEERI 1754420 596020 NTRFND-GEN 568-CO INS RATE 24.046 7,214 31.260 RDS UND ENG-PLANNING 1754440 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 11,088 3.326 14,414 RDS CNSTRCTN-ENGINEER 1759510 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIABC0INS RATE 15.465 4,640 20,105 RDS CNSTRCTN-RIGHTOFW 1759533 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1168-00 INS RATE 1.395 419 1.814 RDS CNSTRCTN-ROADWAY 1759533 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1168-CO INS RATE 12.142 3.643 15.785 ROADS GIS 1704440 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 4006 1.202 5.208 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2152410 596020 NTRfND-GEN 116600 INS RATE 701 210 911 CO BLDG INSP.PERMIT 2152420 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 10.539 3.162 13.701 COMM DEV BUILDING ENF 2152460 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 316 95 411 COMM DEV PLANNING 2155860 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 1,402 421 1.823 COMM DEV ADMIN PERMIT 21A5850 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 2103 631 2.734 COMM DEV BUILDING PER 2185850 596020 NTRFNDGEN 560-CO INS RATE 3.513 1.054 4.567 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINIS 9056210 596020 NTRFND-GEN 56B-CO INS RATE 3,348 1.004 4.352 PH FPHS COMMUNICATION 9056211 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1168-CO INS RATE 10 3 13 PH FPHS POLICY DEVELO 9056212 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 10 3 13 PH FPHS COMMUNITY PAR 9056213 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 10 3 13 PH CHILDREN SP NEEDS 9056225 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1169-CO INS RATE 109 45 194 PH WIC 9056228 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 16.429 4.929 21.358 PH IMMUNIZATION 9056232 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 140 42 182 PH SEXUALLY TRANSMTTE 9056233 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 35 I I 46 1PH TB 9056234 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 69 21 90 PH OTHER COMM.DISEASE 9056239 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 282 85 367 EH DRINK WATER DUAL 9056252 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIA9-CO INS RATE 5.358 1,607 6,965 19056253 EH SOLID/HAZ WASTE 9056253 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 1,458 437 1.895 EH 055/UND OVIJ'MT 9056254 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1168-CO INS RATE 5.357 1.607 6.964 EH VECTOR{ANIMAL51 9056255 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 228 68 296 EH FOOD 9056256 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIA8-CO INS RATE 6.990 2.097 9,087 PH LIVING ENVIRONMENT 9056258 596020 NTRFND-GEN 1166-CO INS RATE 70 21 91 EH OTHER ENV HLTH 9056259 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 12.295 3.689 15.984 PH VITAL RECORDS 9056271 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 323 97 420 EH LABORATORY 9056272 596033 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 795 239 1.034 PH EPIDEMIOLOGY 9056279 596020 NTRFND-GEN UAB-CO INS RATE 70 21 91 PH ASMT/GEN HEALTH 9056281 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 6 2 B PH EMERGENCY PREPRDNE 9056288 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 228 68 296 SOUTH COUNTY AIRPORT 40754610 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 285 84 371 WATER PROJECTS 41053420 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 304 91 395 SEWER PROJECTS 41653533 596020 NTRFNDGEN LIA8COINS RATE 76 23 99 VADER WATER 42053407 596020 NTRFND-GEN 568-CO INS RATE 4.195 1259 5,454 ER&R CENTRAL SHOP 50154840 596020 NTRFND-GEN UABCO INS RATE 26.589 7.977 34,566 ER&R MOTORPOOI 50154870 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 17.123 5.137 22,260 FACILITIES ADMIN 50761830 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 4.256 1,277 5.533 FACILITIES CUSTODIAL 507C 1830 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 21.345 6.404 27.749 FACILITIES FAIR 507FI830 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 7.289 2787 9,476 FACILITIES MAIL ROOM 50711831 596020 NTRFNDGEN 11ABCO INS RATE 3.513 1.054 4,567 FACILITIES MAINT&OP 507M1830 596030 NTRFNOGEN1169-CO INS RATE 18.932 5.680 24.612 FACILITIES PARKS 507P7680 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 3,308 992 4.303 RSK MGMT GEN LIABILIT 512PI890 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 891 267 1,158 RADIO ADMIN 52052810 596020 MRFND-GEN 116BCO INS RATE 38 I I 49 RADIO OPS 52052880 596020 NTRFND-GEN LIAR-CO INS RATE 7,026 1108 9,134 IT 54051881 596033 NTRFND-GEN LIAB-CO INS RATE 5,259 1.578 6.837 586,464 175940 762.404 FUND{ALANG( Lewis County Washington 2019 BUDGET AMENDMENT"SCHEDULE A Budget Amendment Resolution 819.* 1010 1010000 291800 Estimated ending lund balance 1032 103000 291900 Estimated ending land balance - • 1040 104000 291800 Estimated ending fund balance 1060 1060000 29180 Estimated ending fond balance 1070 157 000 291&75 Estfmoled ending fund balance _ 1080 1080000 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 110 1 100000 29180 Estimated ending fund balance • 1120 1 120000 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 1170 1 1700 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 1210 121000 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 190 190X0 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 4070 4070000 291800 Estimated ending fund balance 410 41000 291800 Estimated ending fund balance • 4200 42000 29100 Estimated ending fund balance 5010 501000 29180 Estimoled ending fund balance 5070 507000 29180 Estimated ending land balance 5120 512000 29180 Estimated ending fund balance 52110 520000 291800 Estimated ending fund balance 5400 54000 291900 Estimated ending fund balance .. 1175 9401 GENERAL LIABILITY FUND 5120 REVENUE 5120AREV 348600 RISK ISF INS PREMIUMS 1,142,868 341660 1.494,528 increase GL role to°Noes and aeoodments 1,142868 341460 1.484.528 95111)BALANCE 512(0')0 29180 Eslmaled ending fund bal. 541,660 Charge in fund balance 341,640 0 NoliCed Amounts Crrnnl Expire, Revenue 3,656,313 51498 Expenditures 5,423.474 431,083 Fund Balance 0745881 3,656,313 Exp Change Rev Change Fund/Dept. from Notice from Notice Fund/Dept.8 Name ,Reason for the change 0 10,002 4010 Solid Waste Increase costs for mid-year GLadlusuners 10,902 0 4150 ;SWWI 81 Increase in transfer to Solid Waste for GO rate 70,902 10,902 Final Amounts Current Expense Revenue 3,667,215 56,485 Expenditures 5,434.376 431,083 Fund Balance ..., 3567215 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution. BOCC Meeting Date Jul 29, 2019 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item Agenda Type Hearing Hearing for the 2nd 2019 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Other Funds Contact Erik MartmBecky Butler Phone 740-1198 Department Budget/Fiscal Action Needed. Approve Resolution Description Hearing on the 2nd 2019 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Various Funds This amendment mcreases expenditures for all funds in the amount of$5,434,376 with increased revenue in the amount of $3,667,215, resulting in $1,767,161 use of fund balance The Current Expense portion of this budget amendment is an mcrease in expenditures of$431,083, an mcrease in revenue for$56,495 and a use of fund balance in the amount of$374,588 The Hearing was noticed in the Chronicle on July 16th and 23rd Approvals Publication Requirements• Hearing Date Jul 29, 2019 User Group Status Publications. Martin, Enk BOCC Pending Chronicle July 16 and 23 Publication Dates Additional Copies Becky Butler,Enk Martin,Larry Grove,Suzette Smith, Amy Davis, Rodney Reynolds,Kristen Buckman, Steve Skinner Josh Metcalf,Kim Amnne,Tamara Hayes, Steve Walton,Sandy Lupo,Wes Rethwill,Rob Snaza, Susie Parmenteer Janette Kambich,Jonathan Meyer, Tom Stanton, Steve Mansfield, Cheryl Millman Lee Napier,Graham Gowing and Doug Carey