2019-01-07 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager January 7, 2019 11:07 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Candace Hallom, Lara McRea, Budget Manager Becky Butler Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Lara McRea Erik discussed the Boistfort well issue and said he has been out to Mr. Panush’s property multiples times to see the well. Commissioner Jackson would like to address the issue one more time and take Josh Metcalf out to visit Mr. Panush’s property. Commissioner Jackson would like a meeting with Lonnie Willey to discuss the Boistfort well. Becky noted that she is watching budgets and the facilities budget may be a concern as the custodial budget has been overspent. She noted that Steve and Doug are currently reviewing. Becky noted that sales tax should come in close to projections of $6.2 million and was budgeted at $5.9 million. She said there are two months of sales tax that will be accrued back to 2018. Erik said that Danette would like to lift the hiring freeze for her department and fill the Environmental Health Specialist position. Erik discussed the permit revenue coming in higher than projections but also noted there is not enough information at this time to make a decision. Becky noted she is reviewing permit revenue and how it’s tracked. Erik said that J.P. Anderson has resigned from the Community Action Council due to a conflict of interest regarding grants. Erik has volunteered to take his place. Board needs to approve Erik as a representative. Candace will draft a letter. It was noted that committees/duties will be added to the county manager agenda for January 14th. Candace passed out copies of the committee lists for review. Erik noted that he and Lara will be meeting with each commissioner individually to discuss office procedures and processes. Commissioner Fund will still continue to authorize vouchers for lodging tax. Candace left at 11:29 am. Lara discussed the table that facilities purchased for the hearing room. Erik said he would like to invest in some nice tables for meetings. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund approved the purchase of tables for the hearing room. Becky left at 11:36 a.m. The group discussed the county seal and historic flag. This agenda item will be put on the Central Services update. Discussion ensued regarding a personnel issue in WSU. Commissioner Jackson will be meeting with Gary Fredericks from WSU on Monday, January 14th. Erik gave an update on the windfarm project and said Community Development is responding back to RES on how the final update to the EIS will take place. He noted that Karen Witherspoon is going a tremendous job and is working remotely. He noted that Community Development still plans to recruit for her position. Erik said he has been speaking with Wayne regarding cybersecurity insurance. The policy would cost $20k year and will add $4 million in insurance coverage. The insurance would cover stolen funds and ransoms. Erik said he and Commissioner Jackson will be meeting with TCOMM in Olympia today. Erik met with Jill Anderson, Rob Hill and Mike Kytta last week to discuss regionalization of 911 services. Erik will be contacting Sheriff Snaza to bring him into the conversation. Erik noted that Josh Metcalf will be recruiting for a manager of the airports soon. The calendars were reviewed. Meeting ended at 12:15 p.m.