2019-01-02 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update January 2, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Danette York, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Steve Walton, Wayne Whiton, Archie Smith, Lee Napier, Lara McRea, Steve Wohld, Steve Mansfield Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation recognizing January 9, 2019, as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. (George Chandler will give a presentation about using blue porch lights as a show of support to law enforcement.) Lee Napier discussed a Notice of Hearing for Ordinance 1297, which would revise Chapter 17.12 (“Public Participation Program”) of Lewis County Code. Lee Napier discussed a Notice of Hearing for Ordinance 1300, which renews the moratorium on certain building permits within the boundaries of Water-Sewer District #5. Becky Butler discussed a Notice of Hearing for the 5th 2018 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and other funds. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve of the establishment of 2019 county road construction projects by County Forces. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve of the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for the Borst Avenue Safety Improvements project in Centralia. Danette York discussed a resolution to approve a contract between the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) and Lewis County. Danette York discussed a resolution to approve awarding Document Recording Fee funds (2163) to local agencies for housing programs. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to reappoint Carolyn ‘CJ’ Neer to the Lewis County Public Facilities District (PFD) Board of Directors. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to reappoint William ‘Bill’ Teitzel to the Lewis County Historical Society Board of Directors. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve Ordinance 1300 to renew the moratorium upon certain building permits within the boundaries of Water-Sewer District 5. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move one presentation, three Notice items, two Consent items and seven Deliberation items to the Monday, Jan. 7, 2019, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Archie Smith said county offices have increased – or vowed to increase – training participation. He said he plans to include emotional intelligence training and possibly reintroduce the admin brown bag training. He said HR continues to work on an onboarding process. Wayne Whiton said work continues to get all offices signed on to the county Public Records policy. He said Emergency Management has been launched and that one topic will be tackled each month. He said he plans to tackle the Coroner’s Office and the Jail in 2019. Steve Walton said work continues to improve surplus processes. He said Facilities continues to tackle multiple projects. He said the Fair will focus on its strategic plan in 2019. He said the county and city likely will wrap up the fair annexation in 2019. Steve said KMB will hold a follow-up meeting Jan. 3. Erik Martin said work continues on a project management process as well as succession planning. Steve Mansfield said 911 and DES transition and succession planning continues. He said he plans to update flood warning procedures. He said the strategic plan and interlocal agreement will be updated for 2020. Steve reviewed CenturyLink’s recent statewide 911 outage. Josh Metcalf said he toured all of Public Works’ shops and reviewed all of Public Works’ budgets. He said he is working on succession planning. Becky Butler urged the group to turn in any budget amendments and to address any hiccups related to the federal government’s shutdown. She said she will work to train departments to use Munis for future budgets. She said she focused on communication in 2018. She said she continues to review general liability rates, etc. Danette York said she has filled the veterans’ benefits specialist and CPWI positions. She said Public Health and Social Services has completed a draft of its Strategic Map through 2021. She said PHHS continues work on the Community Health Assessment / Community Health Needs Assessment. Lee Napier said Community Development worked on succession planning and space organization. She said work on dashed addresses continues. Steve Wohld said data centers have been improved and fortified. He said IT focused heavily on cybersecurity awareness in 2018, offering training and testing and holding a variety of meetings, etc. Commissioner Stamper thanked directors and staff for their work. Commissioner Fund said the state legislative session opens Jan. 14. She said LSC will hold weekly updates on legislative matters. She noted that Sen. Braun plans to address indigent defense. Commissioner Jackson said he will be focused on the budget and Strategic Planning as the new BOCC chair for 2019. Meeting ended at 10:23 a.m.