2019-01-16 ESC MeetingESC Meeting January 16, 2019 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund (by phone), County Manager Erik Martin, Shad Hail, Danette York, Hazel Dibble, Wayne Whiton, Steve Walton, Larry Grove, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Megan Sibbert, Scott Tinney, Josh Metcalf, Steve Mansfield, Carrie Breen, Casey Mauermann, Archie Smith, Warren McLeod, Dianne Dorey (8:20 a.m.), Steve Wohld (8:27 a.m.) Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Scott Tinney made a motion to approve the December 2018 minutes. Archie Smith seconded. Motion passed. Angela French gave a presentation on United Way. She discussed United Way fundraisers. She discussed United Way’s pledge effort and noted that there will be prizes awarded again in 2019. Dianne Dorey joined at 8:20 a.m. Angela said United Way’s goal is to have 30 percent of families out of poverty by 2020. Angela discussed United Way’s collaborative efforts and commended the community for its support. Angela said local services are lacking for the ALICE population, the families that live just above the poverty level. She said 33 percent of Lewis County lives just above the poverty threshold. Angela said offices can contact Katie Strozyk to set up individual presentations. Dianne Dorey said the auction will take place in February. Steve Wohld joined at 8:27 a.m. Angela left at 8:29 a.m. Commissioner Jackson said he wants to look at the future of the ESC. Erik Martin noted that some elected officials don’t see the value of the ESC meetings. Larry Grove gave a brief history on the ESC’s formation. He said it was created to steer the direction of the then-emerging Information Technology market. Erik said the ESC would be a good forum for strategic planning discussions. He asked electeds and directors to weigh in. Dianne Dorey said she quit attending ESC meetings because she bases her attendance by what is on the agenda. She said she feels the county’s strategic plan is obsolete. Susie Parker said she gets a lot out of the ESC meetings. She noted that the judges cannot participate in countywide strategic planning. Erik said he hopes to accomplish community-based strategic planning. Danette York said many ESC meetings do feel like a glorified Directors’ Update. She suggested perhaps a monthly newsletter to provide updates. Erik noted that most ESC agenda items come out of the BOCC office and that other offices and departments seldom choose to add agenda items. The group noted that the electeds’ monthly brown bag lunch has poor attendance. The group discussed the effects of the OPMA on the ability to hold quorum meetings. Steve Mansfield discussed the need for a mission, the need for direction and purpose and the need for a connection with all of the players in the county. He suggested renaming and redefining the ESC. Steve Wohld said the ESC has been a beneficial forum for IT. Erik said he is drafting an RFQ for strategic planning. He made a plea for participation. Meeting ended at 8:56 a.m.