2019-02-11 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager February 11, 2019 11:10 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin Guest: John Henricksen Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper said Robert Weidner has asked if anyone from Lewis County can fly out to D.C. He said he will reach out to Robert to further discuss who from the county might be available, suggesting possibly sending Erik Martin or Becky Butler. Erik said the county needs to weigh the cost benefits. Erik said Commissioner Stamper’s trip two years ago totaled $4,600. Commissioner Fund suggested looking into having someone from Lewis County go with a group in an effort to split hotel costs. The commissioners supported the plan to send someone. They suggested Erik or Becky as possibilities. Erik floated the idea of changing the weekdays on which the County Manager updates and Monday legislative meetings are held. Commissioner Fund discussed the possibility of holding legislative meetings in different parts of the county. The group discussed changing the times as well. The board said Erik can review options. John Henricksen left at 11:29 a.m. The group discussed restructuring the agendas. Erik proposed a possible change to sick leave benefit to address the state-mandated sick leave. He said those who have more than the 1,320 cap would be awarded the additional eight hours per month and that it would then reset to 1,320 on Jan. 1. Commissioner Fund made a motion to remove the “one hour per 40 hours worked” verbiage from county policy as well as reset to 1,320 hours sick leave for those employees with an excess of 1,320 hours of sick time every Jan. 1. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Erik gave a brief update on a Motorpool personnel matter and a brief update on union negotiations. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Erik Martin: Look into D.C. trip Erik: Review meeting date options Rieva Lester: Reach out to other clerks to determine the days and hours other counties hold legislative meetings Erik: Create policies and protocols regarding facility closures. Erik said the 911 recruitment is moving forward. He said Lewis County will head the recruitment effort instead of hiring a search firm to conduct the search. The group discussed efforts to make the process inclusive. Erik said he wants to hire a three-quarter time budget tech position. Erik said Facilities suggested replacing the 55-inch TVs in the hearing room with 75-inch screens. He said the cost would be $2,500 for the pair. The used screens would be washed down to the WSU training room and Room 121. The board agreed. Erik said Facilities has requested approval of projects totaling $20,000 or less. The board agreed. The board gave the county manager authority to make decisions regarding facility closures. He said he and Risk Manager Wayne Whiton will come up with some protocols for the board to review. Commissioner Stamper said he doesn’t support closing. Erik said he’d like to have Bill Teitzel give the board a quarterly update on code enforcement issues. Commissioner Jackson left at 12:17 p.m. Erik discussed Jim Howard’s complaint about a trailer that’s on the brink of falling into the river. Erik said, unfortunately, it’s not a county issue. He said he would call Jim. Commissioner Jackson returned at 12:20 p.m. The group reviewed code enforcement issues the county is working on. Commissioner Jackson gave an update on Twin Transit, indicating he will have to devote extra time to the organization to serve as its interim director. Commissioner Jackson said he would stand in for Commissioner Stamper’s Feb. 14 meeting with Amber Ferrano. Commissioner Stamper left at 12:41 p.m.