2019-02-12 Special Emergency MeetingSpecial Emergency Meeting February 12, 2019 4:55 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (by phone), Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Steve Mansfield, Wayne Whiton, Lara McRea Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Jackson called the special emergency meeting to order. He and Jonathan Meyer said the meeting was called to address emergency situations across the county. Jonathan noted that an emergency meeting was needed because a delay would increase the risk of injury to persons or property and that the situation needed to be addressed immediately. Commissioner Fund read Resolution 19-045 into the record. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve Resolution 19-045. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Steve Mansfield gave an update on the situation on the eastern portion of the county. County Manager Erik Martin noted that no other business was discussed during the special emergency meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m.