2019-02-19 Budget MeetingUpdate with Budget February 19, 2019 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, County Manager Erik Martin (3:34 p.m.), Commissioner Stamper (3:36 p.m.) Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said the budget moved from the Auditor’s Office to the Commissioners in the late 1990s. She said the budget dates are being revised. County Manager Erik Martin joined at 3:34 p.m. Becky said the change to the meeting dates will mean the commissioners will have to make decisions a little more quickly than it has in the past. Commissioner Stamper joined at 3:36 p.m. Becky said Herrera Beutler’s office has asked the commissioners to weigh in on federal funding needs. Becky said the Sheriff’s Office is working on its agreements with its ops group, which could mean increased costs for the county. Becky noted that DNR funding is expected to top $1 million. She suggested moving any DNR funds over $1 million to capital projects. Becky said the commissioners can, by resolution, earmark one-tenth of 1 percent funding for the Juvenile project. Becky said indigent defense costs likely will be high due to murder trials expected to take place in 2019. Becky noted that the county paid $410,000 in annual leave payouts for sick and vacation linked to retirements in 2018 She cautioned that the total might be high in 2019, too. Becky said Vader has done planning work and now wants to apply for .09 funding. Becky said investment interest must be posted by the end of the month. She said if the Treasurer’s Office doesn’t get it done, it could lead to a finding from the State Auditor’s Office. Erik said Arny has asked to add approval of the PFD loan agreement for the Feb. 25 legislative meeting. He said he would discuss it with the PA’s Office. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Commissioner Stamper: Reach out to Gar Abbas regarding Herrera Beutler’s request for federal funding needs Becky said it’s unclear if revenues for 2018 are correct but that it appears that the county will be close to its projection. Becky said it would be prudent to ask the Treasurer during his Feb. 20 update whether the 2018 revenues were reconciled and correct. Commissioner Jackson discussed the Commercial Vehicle Officer (CVO) position. Becky said the CRAB recommends having an MOU for the position. The group discussed the Coroner’s previous request for raises for his staff. It was noted that the Coroner gave his employees a $2 an hour raise without the Board’s knowledge. The group noted that it could impact his budget. Becky noted that sales tax appears to be up. Becky asked if the county wanted to send any documentation with Bob Guenther for his upcoming meetings. Commissioner Stamper said no documentation is needed. Becky discussed self-insurance rates and funds. She noted that general liability is being used heavily for judgements, public disclosures, tort claims, etc. She said the reserve self-insurance fund is the lowest she has seen it. She discussed a wire transfer from earlier in the day. She said it would be best to determine whether the money is restricted. She noted that Roads still pays the water bill for the Teitzels. Becky discussed bills the legislators are reviewing. Becky said she has asked Fair to review its approved 2019 budget to make sure it’s as accurate as possible. Becky briefly discussed LEOFF I. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.