2019-02-20 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor/Treasurer February 20, 2019 10:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Arny Davis said the Treasurer’s Office said all LCTYs have been entered is still entering LGIPs. He said the new Munis system has made it harder, not easier. He said it has drastically increased the workload. Arny left at 10:36 a.m. Rodney Reynolds said the county yielded 2.54 percent on short-term investments for January. He noted that the county will have more money to invest once property taxes come in. Rodney discussed the rare “inverted curve” U.S. Treasuries are experiencing. He said diversification serves as a security blanket of sorts for the county, giving the county stability. Commissioner Fund left at 10:48 a.m. Rodney, Larry, Suzette, Erik, Commissioner Stamper and Linda Williams remained. Suzette Smith said the Coroner’s Office is over budget. She said the office is $4,000 over right now. She said the Coroner’s Office just submitted invoices for August. She said other vendors have contacted the county about outstanding invoices from the Coroner’s Office. Suzette said offices and departments are required to submit a memo explaining why any invoice is 60 days late. Becky said the county will now have to do a hearing regarding the Coroner’s Office’s overage. She noted that Warren McLeod’s unapproved raises will cause additional overages. The group noted that going to collections would affect the county’s bond rating. Becky said she will have to add a notice of hearing to the Feb. 25 meeting for a hearing regarding the 2019 budget amendment. Suzette said the payroll rollout for Munis will be pushed back to July. She said she’s confident it will be very user friendly within the next year or two. She praised county employees for their efforts with the Munis implementation. Becky said she’ll host informational sessions later in the week. Suzette noted that there’s a how-to guide on the Y drive. Erik said he is going to work on outreach regarding Munis. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:06 a.m. Official meeting adjourned at 11:06 a.m. Suzette said she anticipates an SAO finding because the reconciliations have not yet been completed in the Treasurer’s Office. Rodney said he is unsure what is holding up the process. Rodney said his office is working on a succession planning for Vickie Roth’s upcoming departure. Becky suggested working with HR to rescore the position. Suzette said it’s a push to meet SAO deadlines even when the Treasurer’s Office completes the reconciliations on time in mid-February. She said it’s going to be even harder since those have not yet been completed. Becky suggested the Treasurer’s Office reach out to other counties that use Munis for pointers. Larry Grove said the special elections are wrapping up. He said the recall effort regarding Deborah Hilliard’s position on Water-Sewer District 5 likely would be turned in to Superior Court by the day’s end. He said if the court approves the petition, it would trigger a special election, likely in May. Meeting ended at 11:27 a.m.