2019-02-20 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update February 20, 2019 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Graham Gowing, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Tawni Shepherd, Lara McRea, Archie Smith, Gary Fredricks, Steve Mansfield, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Danette York Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Geotechnical PS&E Engineering Services for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project (MP 10.60 – 11.85), County Road Project 2084. Becky Butler discussed an agreement with Cascade Pacific Action Alliance for Medication Assisted Treatment. She said the agreement provides funding totaling $79,000 to offset costs of a service the county already is providing. Graham Gowing discussed a resolution to approve the Public Works Director to review, negotiate, administer and sign lease agreements at the Ed Carlson Memorial-South Lewis County Airport. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractors selected for the 2019 Rock Proposal. He said Sterling and Black Lake will be used. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to appoint Larry B. Mason to the Lewis County Airport System Advisory Board. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Chair to sign the Project Agreement between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for the Wendling Road MP 0.106 (Lost Creek) - Site ID 021 (25510) (00106) project. Josh said it’s a grant-funded culvert replacement project. Josh Metcalf discussed the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for the Stover Road turnaround project. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to appoint Katie Gift to the Southwest Washington Fair Advisory Commission. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to appoint Diana Morgan to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to appoint Tom Crowson to the Board of Directors of the Lewis County Public Facilities District (PFD). Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to approve Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization (GRBHO) LLC. She said it’s a five-county agreement. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move one Notice item, two Consent items and 10 Deliberation items to the Monday, Feb. 25, 2019, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Rieva Lester said PacMtn will attend the Monday meeting to present its High Impact grant awards. Josh Metcalf discussed the previous week’s storm response. He noted there were some communication problems, including having radio towers down, cell towers down, and having radios disrupted, etc. Josh said complaints and concerns should be routed through the Public Works’ main phone line. Josh said interviews for the prospective airport manager will take place soon. Steve Walton said the Army Corps of Engineers will inspect the Saltzer Creek area later in the week. Becky Butler said program budgets are due Feb. 21. Becky said she will host a how-to on budget reports. She said they’ll be 10 a.m. Feb. 22 and 2 p.m. March 1. Danette York said Lewis County has zero measles cases. She said 57 out of the state’s 64 cases were unimmunized individuals. Danette said there is only one food establishment left that has not yet paid for its permit. She said one other merely paid the wrong fee. Danette said the county seized cows, goats, horses and dogs in the Onalaska area the previous day. Tawni Shepherd praised the county’s response to the recent snow storm. Erik Martin reiterated his request for a stand-alone organizational sheet. Graham Gowing said Community Development is holding a meeting with “frequent fliers” to discuss processes and planning. Erik said Lee Napier will contract with John Kliem to help fill the gap left by Fred Evander’s upcoming departure. Steve Mansfield said power outages were a huge hit during the recent storm. He praised WSDOT, area fire departments and county crews for their response. He noted that the county’s radio was compromised. Steve discussed what the county’s emergency declaration entails. Steve said the potential for future flooding remains a concern. Commissioner Stamper said Lewis County PUD General Manager Chris Roden has expressed his gratitude for the county’s work during the crisis. Commissioner Fund said the Fire Commissioners shared those sentiments. Commissioner Jackson thanked Facilities for its work on the BOCC remodel. Meeting ended at 9:59 a.m.