2019-02-20 ESC MeetingESC Meeting February 20, 2019 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund (by phone), County Manager Erik Martin, Shad Hail, Tawni Shepherd, Hazel Dibble, Steve Mansfield, Gary Fredricks, Bill Wamsley, Steve Walton, Megan Sibbert, Lara McRea, Carrie Breen, Steve Wohld, Graham Gowing, Archie Smith, Becky Butler, Scott Tinney, Dave Campbell (8:20 a.m.) Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Wohld made a motion to approve the January 2019 minutes. Shad Hail seconded. Motion passed. Erik Martin said he is working on an RFQ for strategic planning. He asked elected offices to think about how much time they can commit to the strategic planning process and when they could devote the time. Scott Tinney said he would prefer Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and would prefer daytime hours. Dave Campbell joined at 8:20 a.m. Erik asked Dave to check with Dianne Dorey. Steve Mansfield discussed the county’s previous two strategic plans. Erik said he’d like it to be at least a semi- community-based effort. Becky Butler said the Treasurer’s Office continues to post revenues and make corrections. She said she expects to have final 2018 numbers by the first or second week of March. Becky said she’ll send out the county’s updated unfunded mandates list. Erik urged participants to reach out to Megan Sibbert and Becky regarding budgeting and Munis questions. Becky said she will hold a training session for electeds at the end of the week. Becky noted that the county is moving budget dates back a month. Megan said the payroll go-live date has been pushed back to July instead of April. Megan said training would likely take place in June. She reminded the group that the county will be moving to twice-monthly pay periods. She said the initial go-live likely will require nothing new from employees, the change will be seen by the timekeepers in the various offices and departments. Rieva Lester said the employee picnic will be July 25. Commissioner Fund joined in person at 8:38 a.m. Steve Wohld gave an update on cybersecurity. He urged attendees to let IT know as quickly as possible if they think they may have clicked on something or if something seems fishy with their computers. Commissioner Fund gave an update on state Legislative matters. She said bills that don’t make it through their respective houses by Friday will die. She urged individuals to go to leg.wa.gov to keep track of bills of interest. Steve Wohld expressed concern about the auto decision-making bill. He said it could cause problems with things such as email purges, etc. Shad Hail said he has met with legislators regarding bills that would affect juvenile courts. Meeting ended at 8:50 a.m.