2019-02-27 Mineral RV Park meetingMineral RV Park meeting February 27, 2019 3:37 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Ed Brown, Gary Johnson, Phil Reynolds, Gennie Reynolds Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper said Gennie Reynolds is trying to sell her RV park and that she was told some things were not done correctly. Gennie said the campground had been for sale for three years and that potential buyers indicated that a representative from the Lewis County Planning Department gave them potentially incorrect information that prompted the potential buyers to withdraw their offer. Gennie said she purchased the property in 1998 and sought permits for power, water, etc., for the residential home. She said she was told in 2007 that she didn’t have an easement for the property. Gennie described problems with a particular Environmental Services employee, Sue Kennedy. She said Sue rattles off Lewis County Codes and WACs and doesn’t explain what’s needed in layman’s terms. Gennie said a well for her private residence was drilled in 2005. She said she was later told it had to be moved because the creek had changed course. Gennie said she was told she would need the following to add the tent sites: • Building site plan • Shoreline permit • SEPA review She said her attorney later met with Lee Napier and was told they need to install a second water tank and get a satellite management agency in order to accommodate the tent sites. Gennie said Sue Kennedy then drafted a list of more things that needed to be done. She said that was followed by a list of seven more requirements. Susan DeLaire left at 3:58 p.m. Gennie said she now has 13,000 gallons of water storage for 10 RV sites and 10 tent sites and that the large amount of storage has prompted concerns about water stagnation. TO-DO LIST / RECAP BOCC: Follow up on mandated closure dates and other requirements Gennie said the most recent letter from the county, which was sent Feb. 11, cited one more stipulation about head counts. Gennie said she has spent $15,000 since September to appease the county. Gary Johnson said he bought the Mineral school years ago and was met with a series of “nos,” especially from Sue Kennedy. He said he was told he would have to drill a new well. Gary said he then contacted someone at the state, who allowed him to use the existing “A” well. Ed Brown said the county is interpreting the state’s laws in a restrictive manner. Ed discussed water tests. Ed said he had to drill a new well after arsenic was discovered in water samples. He said a new well was drilled and that the arsenic level was even higher in the new well. He said he then drilled a third well, which was successful, and added two porta-potties. He said the total cost was $60,000. Ed said the county has indicated his campground must close down from Jan. 1 through April annually to be considered a transient (TNC) water system. The group said they feel intimidated. Erik Martin noted that Group A water systems are regulated by the state and Group B water systems are regulated by the county. The group noted that Ed has a Group A system, while the Reynoldses have a Group B system. The group said the county needs to provide a clear, comprehensive and easy-to-understand breakdown of what is needed. Gennie said she has been instructed to fill out and send to Sue monthly reports regarding meter readings and overnight stays. Erik noted that Sue Kennedy is a Public Health and Social Services employee, not a Community Development employee. Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.