2019-03-27 Salary discussionSalary discussion March 27, 2019 3:33 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said other elected officials had asked about the reformation of the Salary Commission. Erik said he’d like Board direction on how staff should move forward. Becky Butler reviewed some options: • Approve increase for other electeds (Assessor, Auditor, Clerk, Treasurer and Coroner) o Increase to 5 percent of commissioners’ salaries: $20,000 o 3 percent across-the-board increase: $15,000 • Approve increase for other electeds and invoke Salary Commission to review commissioners’ salaries • Invoke Salary Commission to review all electeds’ salaries (except PA and Sheriff) Erik said pay could be tied to Superior Court judges’ state-set pay increases, with a cap in place. Archie said electeds could be placed on the salary grid. He noted that commissioners cannot give themselves raises. Commissioner Stamper said that’s part of the reason he would like to see the Salary Commission invoked. Archie Smith reviewed some of the salaries at comparable counties, such as Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Grant, Chelan, Franklin and Mason counties. He and Erik noted that those counties were used by the Salary Commission when it reviewed Lewis County’s salaries. Archie noted that salaries in Lewis County are mostly lower than those in the comparable counties. Erik said he has reached out to the PA’s Office for clarification about how to reform the Salary Commission. Erik said members of the Salary Commission are offered mileage reimbursement. Archie said there is a two-term limit for the Salary Commissioners. He said he would need to find a District 1 and a business representative. Becky and Archie said there are some policies issues that need to be reviewed, especially regarding ongoing meetings. Archie clarified that the Salary Commission sets the commissioners’ salaries and makes suggestions regarding the other electeds’ salaries. Daleyn Coleman left at 4:05 p.m. and returned at 4:07 p.m. Becky noted that going for years without increases for electeds can lead to a larger increase when you try to catch that up later. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:09 p.m. Archie said the sheriff’s salary is tied to the CBAs while the prosecutor’s salary is tied to the Superior Court judges. Commissioner Jackson returned at 4:14 p.m. Commissioner Jackson said he had heartburn about the sheriff’s pay increase in 2016. He said he would suggest giving other electeds a 3.5 percent increase because they didn’t get the same opportunity. He said it would be irresponsible to talk about his salary and that he’s ambivalent about the use of the Salary Commission. Archie said the contract will close soon, prompting another increase for the sheriff. Commissioner Fund said she agonized about the sheriff’s pay because Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson had polar opposite views about it and she believed the decision needed to be unanimous. Commissioner Jackson clarified that he hadn’t wanted to roll the sheriff’s pay back, he just didn’t want it tied to labor. Erik said he believes the Salary Commission makes recommendations that the commissioners can then decide upon regarding the salaries for other electeds. Commissioner Jackson suggested sleeping on it and meeting again in the future. Erik noted that the commissioners may need to disband the Salary Commission by resolution if they decide to go another route. Archie left at 4:31 p.m. Becky noted that the commissioners’ wages are 10 percent higher than other electeds’ salaries. The commissioners said they would meet again in a couple of weeks to again discuss the topic. Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.