2019-04-01 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up meeting April 1, 2019 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper (via phone), County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, and Lara McRea Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock and Alex Brown Recorder: Candace Hallom Commissioner Jackson noted that the call for sealed bids for the Highway Safety Improvement Program is on hold. The commissioners reviewed applications for the Fire District 17 vacancy which included: • Nicholas Waruszewski • Sandy Nagle Commissioner Stamper recommends moving forward with Nicholas Waruszewski. The commissioners reviewed the following applications for the PFD vacancy: • William T. Hillier • Bonnie Lynn Brown • Beth O’Neill Commissioner Jackson recommends appointing Bonnie Brown. The commissioners reviewed the following application for the Cemetery District 9 vacancy. • Susan Otterness Commissioner Jackson is looking into this. The commissioners discussed the LTAC vacancy. Commissioner Fund is working with State Parks to get a recommendation for replacing Pam Wilkins on the LTAC Board. Candy will work on drafting a Resolution for both Fire District 17 and the PFD. Erik Martin briefed the BOCC on the status of the commissioner vacancy in Water-Sewer District 5. He recommends moving forward with recruiting for the vacant position. The BOCC would like Candy to move forward with posting for the vacancy. Lara updated the Board on the plan for replacing the carpet. Commissioner Stamper suggested discussing innocent purchaser at a later date. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution of support for the National Park System. She plans on looking into it further. Commissioner Stamper briefly discussed the Timber Counties meeting. He stated DNR provided a presentation at the meeting. In November they are supposed to have a plan regarding logging practices. Commissioner Stamper would like to set up another meeting to go over the information. He will get more information that he can pass around. He said many counties do not feel that DNR is meeting their fiduciary responsibilities. Commissioners reviewed calendars for the week. Commissioner Fund discussed legislation. Commissioner Fund stated April is National County Government month. Meeting ended at 9:45 a.m.