2019-04-17 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update April 17, 2019 10:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Larry Grove, Becky Butler Recorder: Rieva Lester Rodney Reynolds reviewed investment earnings, which he said reflect a very slight uptick. He noted that Centralia School District’s bond accounts for a large portion of the allocation of the month-end liquid deposits portfolio. Rodney noted that property taxes are rolling in. Rodney and Arny Davis discussed bumps in basis points. Rodney discussed special purpose districts’ zero-balance accounts. Rodney and Arny discussed a recent fiasco hiccup related to a couple of large Centralia School District warrants, which totaled more than $7 million. They said the district hadn’t given a heads up that the warrants were coming and that they caused the caused the county’s account to be overdrawn. Arny said the bank ultimately agreed to waive the roughly $10,000 in overdraft fees and that Centralia has promised that it will contact the county anytime it has high-dollar warrants in the future. Arny said the Treasurer’s Office missed its goal to have 2018 reconciliation done by April 15 but is close to completing it. He said the reconciliations likely will be completed – with corrections made – by the end of the month. Rodney and Becky Butler discussed running revenue reports in Munis. Arny said the county last updated its debt policy in 2000. He said the plan is to update it. Arny said the East Lewis County Public Development Authority (ELCPDA) is out of compliance regarding repayment of its loan from Lewis County. Commissioner Stamper said he has reached out to Lee Grose and plans to reach out to Matt Matayoshi of the EDC regarding the matter. Commissioner Stamper and Becky Butler said Harmony Park appear to be assessed at much higher rates than other area parks. Becky said it likely would be a question for the Assessor’s Office. Becky left at 11:13 a.m. The group reviewed 2019 year-to-date expenditures. Larry said financial reports are due May 30. He said the slow-down from the Treasurer’s Office regarding year-end reconciliation means the Auditor’s Office will have to do in five weeks what it generally TO-DO LIST / RECAP Erik / BOCC: Work on op ed regarding election funding accomplishes in 2.5 months. He said he is concerned that the compression will affect the July 1 rollout of payroll through Munis. Larry said a WSAC group has drafted an op-ed regarding “fair share” election funding, requesting the state pay for even-year elections. He said it’s a repeat of a topic the state has been ignoring for years. The group further discussed the op ed. Rodney and Arny left at 11:28 a.m. Larry said he was under the impression that there would be a grass-roots effort to encourage the state to provide funding for even-year elections. Erik noted that if unfunded mandates magically disappeared, the county’s first move likely would be to increase funding for Law and Justice. Larry said Recording and Licensing will be short-handed for the week. Meeting adjourned at 11:44 a.m.