2019-04-17 ESC meetingESC Meeting April 17, 2019 8:16 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (by phone), County Manager Erik Martin, Shad Hail, Scott Tinney, Danette York, Hazel Dibble, Josh Metcalf, Graham Gowing, Larry Grove, Gary Fredricks, Steve Walton, Archie Smith, Steve Mansfield, Lee Napier, Lara McRea, Sherri Guenther, Steve Wohld, Megan Sibbert, Wayne Whiton, Rachel Hunt, Becky Butler, Casey Mauermann Recorder: Rieva Lester Archie Smith made a motion to approve the March 2019 minutes. Scott Tinney seconded. Motion passed. Erik Martin said Strategic Planning proposals are due April 22. Becky Butler said a 2019 budget amendment hearing is scheduled for April 22. She said the Auditor and Treasurer are still working on 2018 year-end figures. Becky discussed the new budget calendar for 2019. Megan Sibbert said the go-live date for payroll is July 1. The group discussed the use of purchase orders to improve tracking. Megan said the county will begin paying employees twice monthly. Commissioner Fund joined in person at 8:27 a.m. Commissioner Fund gave a brief legislative update. She noted that an area bridge will be named in honor of a local fallen soldier. Shad Hail gave an update on bills affecting Juvenile. Wayne Whiton noted that the wrongful death bill has passed. Commissioner Fund noted that a cemetery bill that affects a Centralia cemetery bill also passed. Erik said the broadband bill appears to be passing. He said the funding source: $25 million taken from the Public Works Assistance Account. Rachel Hunt discussed efforts to enhance the commissioners’ Facebook page. She and Commissioner Fund discussed sharing items that would be of interest to area citizens. The group noted that the Sheriff’s Office, District and others have their own Facebook pages, too. Steve Wohld discussed ways comments can be turned off. He also noted that offices and departments must have in place a way to retain the data for PRA purposes. Among ideas for future posts, the group discussed fire season, flood season, the new river gauges, the new GIS mapping and droughts. Scott Tinney discussed an uptick in passports. Hazel Dibble said District Court is having trouble with retention due to salaries. Josh Metcalf said Borst Avenue and the North Fork realignment projects will start soon, as will chip- sealing and striping projects. Larry Grove said there is a push to make the state pay toward elections in even years, which it does not do. He said it’s brought up every legislative session but that there’s never any positive movement. Steve Walton discussed the upcoming fair, which is being celebrated as the 110th fair. Archie said May 8 is the next admin training session. Steve Mansfield noted that it’s National Telecommunications Officers Week. Steve Mansfield noted that Lewis County is approaching drought season and that it already saw eight wildland fires in March as soon as the snow dissipated. Steve Mansfield also noted that a dispatcher awards night is planned for April 18. Lee Napier said Community Development has hired a new assistant planner. She discussed an upcoming GIS presentation planned for April 18 in Tacoma. Lara McRea discussed the late-May replacement of the carpet in the hearing room. Sherri Guenther said a sheriff’s deputy is being honored for their life-saving efforts. She also discussed personnel changes. Steve Wohld discussed cybersecurity and lauded the county for its response to a recent attack. Becky Butler invited the group to wear blue on Friday, April 19, in honor of law enforcement. Casey Mauermann said the online portal for public records requests is proving beneficial. The group took a photo. Meeting ended at 9:08 a.m.