2019-04-22 County Manager updateCounty Manager update April 22, 2019 11:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Commissioner Stamper (11:03 a.m.) Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester County manager delegation of authority Erik Martin said he is still working on a document outlining responsibilities. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:03 a.m. Sheriff’s position Erik said the Sheriff is unclear about whether the Board had approved to add a new position while Ken Cheeseman is paid through the academy. He said the position likely will be filled from within. Becky Butler noted that it would be an increase in expenditures that later would be recouped through reimbursement. Once the funding source no longer exists, the new position would Commissioner Stamper made a motion to allow the Sheriff’s Office to create an additional position while Ken Cheeseman’s position is paid for by the Academy, noting that the new position would cease to exist once the funding source ceases to exist. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. 911 / DEM update 911 work plan: The group discussed having the commissioners attend an upcoming Fire Commissioners Meeting at Fire District 2 in Toledo. Erik asked if the commissioners would need help setting up a time to meet with the mayors. They said it could be added to the upcoming Mayors’ Meeting agenda. EMD coordinator: Steve Mansfield would like to hire a planner instead of a coordinator in an effort to have succession planning in place for when Jill Kangas retires. Erik said there would be a 3-step difference on the pay scale. Erik said he would find out the pay difference. HR update Grievance: Erik said a recently terminated employee has filed a grievance. The commissioners asked that Erik be the designee for the grievance. They said they’d like him to always be the designee. PHSS / Code Enforcement Update Senior centers: Erik noted it had been discussed at an earlier meeting. Epidemiologist II position: Erik said Danette York would like to use existing funding to shift to a new position for an epidemiologist. The net result would be a $5,800 cost to the county. Erik noted a former employee may be interested in the position. Public Works Update Water systems: Erik said the county is proposing an interlocal agreement to take over physical operations of Water Sewer District 5. Risk Update Former Assessor employee: The PA’s Office has indicated it will make an offer of $0. He noted the former employee has not filed a tort claim. He noted the PA’s Office is working on behalf of the Assessor. Accident Prevention Program: Erik said Labor and Industries has indicated the county needs to be taking proactive steps regarding the Accident Prevention Program. He said employees must have specific knowledge from the policy. Erik said he would ask Wayne Whiton whether the policy could have an effect on the county’s insurance policies. Innocent purchaser Erik said he is awaiting Lee Napier’s comments on the proposed Innocent Purchaser policy Eric Eisenberg drafted. Announcements Becky Butler noted that Health is working on a recommendation about a recent letter from the Healthcare Authority regarding substance abuse funding. There were no updates on IT, Central Services/CFP or Community Development, Budget or personnel. Meeting ended at 11:32 a.m.