2019-04-29 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up meeting April 29, 2019 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Danette York, and Lara McRea. Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock and Alex Brown, Peter Lahmann, and Lee Grose Recorder: Candace Hallom Agenda changes Commissioner Fund made a motion to add one item – list the bids received and contractors selected for the purchase of 14 pickup trucks and two SUVs – to the day’s Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Epidemiologist Danette discussed the epidemiologist position. Danette confirmed that the County will be receiving state funding. Danette said that the information gathered from the epidemiologist can be used for grant funding. Commissioner Stamper entered the meeting at 9:04 a.m. Danette said the position is a .8 full time employee. The commissioners approved the position and signed the PAF. Minutes and minute folders Lara will talk further about this next week when Rieva is back. Legislative Update Commissioner Fund discussed the 20th District capital budget and provided a handout. Calendars The commissioners discussed their schedules for the week. Membership to Destination Packwood The commissioners discussed the Destination Packwood membership. Destination Packwood is a private organization. The commissioners will pay out of their own private funds to become members. Communication/correspondence The commissioners signed a letter congratulating Blanton’s Market. Meeting ended at 9:30 a.m.