2019-05-06 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager May 6, 2019 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Tamara Hayes, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Steve Walton Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Gary Fox (11:13 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester County manager delegation of authority Erik Martin said the topic can be added to county code, per the PA’s Office. BRGG land donation Erik said a Canadian firm is farming blueberries on a 900-acre property in Boistfort. He said the property includes a hill that has a cross on it that has historical value. He said school kids often take field trips to the hill. He said the firm is concerned about liability and would like to possibly donate the property to the county so the kids and public can continue enjoying it. Dr. Lindsey Pollock noted that the area is a pioneer cemetery. Commissioner Stamper suggested reaching out to the PA’s Office. Steve Walton and Commissioner Fund said they would like to visit the site. Erik said the county can create resource tracts. Steve Walton and Doug Carey said they would arrange a tour of the site. Gary Fox joined at 11:13 a.m. Public Works Water systems: Erik said Water-Sewer District 2 met with Lewis County DPA Amber Caulfield and indicated it would like to see some of Water-Sewer District 5’s SAO recommendations resolved. He said the group wants proof of easements, to have rates addressed, etc. He said Water-Sewer District 2 has indicated it supports a county takeover of District 5. Erik said District 5 will review the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Lewis County later in the week. Erik said Public Works has been working with Thurston County about the systems Thurston County is suggesting Lewis County take over. He said initially there were three in question but that there may be more. Sheriff’s deputy position Erik said Sheriff Snaza has asked for an update. Gary Fox left at 11:21 a.m. Erik noted that negotiations with the Corrections and Operations guilds are nearing completion. Budget Services Manager said the resulting change for 2019 will be close to $120,000. She also said collective bargaining agreements will open for 2020. The commissioners said they’d like to again review guild discussions and the deputy position the following week. 911 regionalization options Erik said the Fire Commissioners’ meeting is at 6:30 p.m. May 20. 911 / Department of Emergency Services EMD coordinator: Erik said Steve Mansfield would like to hire someone at a planner level to work with Jill Kangas. The commissioners agreed to move forward with the process. 911 administrator: Erik said the hiring process is on hold for now. IT Positions: Erik said Steve Wohld would like to reclassify Chris Brewer from an ITS II to an ITS III. The commissioners said they support the change. Erik said IT will need a program manager to oversee the new Munis system. Erik said the topic will be addressed during the 2020 budget process. Central Services / CFP Packwood state parks land: Erik said the state h.as offered to give the county a large property in Packwood. Tamara Hayes said there has been talk about growing recreation opportunities in the area. She said the state’s release indicates the land can be donated to a public or private entity if it meets certain requirements. She said Destination Packwood may be able to pursue ownership on its own. Commissioner Stamper discussed the possibilities of a public-private partnership should the county accept the land. Erik floated the idea of reaching out to Tacoma Power. Commissioner Fund discussed the need for additional campsites and the influx of lodging tax dollars that comes from the east end. Doug Carey said the county could not manage the potential park logistically. He said the question is whether the state would surplus it to an entity other than the county. Erik said the state has indicated it likely would not be interested in surplusing it to an entity other than the county. Doug said the county has parks in Adna and Mineral Lake that other groups run for the county. He and Erik also discussed liability concerns, suggesting the group reach out to Risk. Erik said he’ll tell the state that the county is still considering the offer. Budget Erik said David Fine suggested reaching out to Tacoma Power to clarify whether their proposal is for the CPI W or the CPI U. The commissioners agreed to move forward. Meeting ended at 11:50 a.m.