2019-05-13 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager May 13, 2019 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget No discussion. County manager delegation of authority Erik Martin said he is working with DPA David Fine about codifying resolutions related to the delegation of the county manager’s authority, which he said would have a two-month or so timeline. Central Services / CFP Fair: Erik and Tamara Hayes discussed the previous year’s rodeo, which had not been included in the original budget in 2018. Tamara said it had been a budget amendment. Tamara said she is asking for $30,000 for the rodeo, with anticipated revenue budgeted at $30,000. She said she would like to request an amendment for 2019. Steve Walton said the rodeo will be included in the 2020 budget. Tamara said the revenue likely will exceed $30,000. Tamara said break-aways will replace the barrel racing event. She said wild horse racing will return for 2019. Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson expressed support for the rodeo and approved Tamara’s plan. Tamara said the county has asked Centralia to annex in the fairgrounds, which will smooth the boundaries of the UGA and likely reduce water costs for the fairgrounds. She said the city will review the request May 14. Projects: Erik and Steve Walton discussed upcoming projects, including hearing room carpeting at the end of the month. Erik said the Star Complex remodel is nearing completion and that the Guardian Ad Litem program will move within a week or so. Erik said the District Court remodel and Judging Pavilion paving project are moving forward. Packwood state parks land: Erik said state parks is authorizing its staff to move forward with the proposed donation if and when the county says it would like to move forward. Commissioner Stamper said he would attend a meeting about the topic later in the day. Erik said the state has indicated that the land must go to a governmental entity – not a nonprofit – and that the county could not donate it to a nonprofit. However, the group discussed, the county could develop an MOU with a nonprofit and have that nonprofit care for the property. Steve said he and Doug Carey will visit the cemetery near the Boistfort blueberry farm May 14. Steve and Tamara left at 11:24 a.m. Salary Commission Erik said he and Becky Butler are working on a resolution for May 20. Sheriff’s deputy position Erik asked if the board would like to move forward with the approved and unfilled deputy position. Becky said a May 20 resolution approving a collective bargaining agreement with the Deputies Guild will affect the 2019 budget. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to unfreeze the additional Sheriff position budgeted for 2019. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. 911 regionalization options Erik noted that the commissioners would hold a special meeting during the Fire Commissioners Meeting since the BOCC needs the ability to discuss the issue with representatives from the various fire districts. Erik said he could use the same handout he provided during the recent Mayors’ Meeting. Commissioner Jackson said he would like to make opening remarks. Commissioner Jackson asked that the commissioners track who they’ve contacted. Lara said she would coordinate with the commissioners to track it. Public Works Construction update: Erik said he’s pleased with the bids the county has been receiving. WATVs: Erik said Public Works would like to limit the number of roads on the west end of the county on which WATV use would be allowed. Erik said the county can perform car counts to determine use of the various roads. Commissioner Fund said she has concerns regarding Coal Creek and Cook’s Hill roads. The group reviewed roads on which WATV use already has been approved. Water systems: Erik said the county is still spending a lot of reimbursable time and resources in Pe Ell. He said he and others are working on a strategy/plan regarding Lewis County’s work on water systems. Erik said Water-Sewer District 5 signed an interlocal agreement allowing Lewis County to operate the system. He said it’s unclear how that will affect the moratorium. Public Health and Social Services / Code Enforcement VAB request to increase funeral payments: Erik said the Veterans Advisory Board has requested an increase to funeral payments, from $700 to $1,000. He noted that the Veterans Fund has a pretty substantial fund balance. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to allow the Veterans Advisory Board to increase funeral payments from $700 to $1,000. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Code Compliance position: Erik said the position has been filled. Lara McRea said Rachel Hunt’s office hours will shift to 7 to 11 a.m. Mondays through Wednesdays and 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursdays beginning the week of May 27 to accommodate Rachel’s school schedule. 911 / DEM Erik said Steve Mansfield would like authorization to offer higher steps on the pay scale. Erik and the commissioners said they approved. Personnel Becky said Amanda Migliaccio has given notice that she will be leaving the Auditor’s Office. Meeting ended at 12:03 p.m.