2019-05-21 BOCC Weed updateLewis County Board of County Commissioners UPDATE WSU Extension and Weed Control Board Programs Date: May 21, 2019 Start Time: 10:30 AM Present Commissioners: Edna Fund, Gary Stamper, Bobby Jackson Others: Elizabeth Stratton & Melissa Davis, Gary Fredricks; WSU Extension, Becky Butler; Budget Services Reporter: Bill Wamsley, LCNWCB WSU Extension Lewis County Topics Introduction of the Snap-Ed EFNEP program in Lewis County by Elizabeth Stratton & Melissa Davis. SNAP-Ed is a collaborative effort of the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), USDA- Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES), Washington State University, Lewis County and local partners throughout the community. SNAP-Ed teaches youth and adult audiences to develop skills and behaviors to eat healthfully. Families learn nutrition basics and smart buying strategies to help them make healthy choices and sustain their food supply throughout the month. Discussed current focus of programs at Schools, Farmers Markets and local food pantry’s (Olympic Elementary, Chehalis Farmers Market & Salvation Army). Identified other communities and local contacts to collaborate with in the Centralia area and East Lewis County. Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Board Topics Actions 2019 Weed Control Budget, Weed Specialist Position. Informational, authorized PAF 752 for position. Landowner stewardship assistance for priority noxious weeds. Informational Education programs: Invasive species Identification and Reporting Workshop, June 5, 2019 at SWW Fairgrounds. Informational Handouts: Snap-Ed, Invasive Species Program Announcement, Noxious Weed Mgmt. Incentive program (Draft)