2019-05-21 Quarterly update with Bill TeitzelHistorical Society Update with Bill Teitzel May 21, 2019 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Bill Teitzel Recorder: Rieva Lester Bill Teitzel said the Historical Society’s treasurer is leaving. He said the museum is being renovated and that it includes a new “iron lung” exhibit. Bill said he’ll reach out to Facilities about a handrail needs to be repaired. He said the group recently held a couple of cleanup projects. Bill said a flying saucer event is planned for within the next few months. He said the event is expected to draw several UFO enthusiasts who’ll stay locally. The group discussed the Armistice Day Riot. Bill discussed the upcoming pie social at Claquato as well as a pie-by-the-slice event at Borst Park. Meeting ended at 11:15 a.m.