2019-05-28 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update May 28, 2019 10:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Warren McLeod, Becky Butler, Dawn Harris, Commissioner Stamper (10:33 a.m.), County Manager Erik Martin (10:33 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Warren McLeod said his office has spent $1,441 to cover toxicology testing for 11 cases so far in 2019. Warren said he has $23,195 left in his budget to cover extra help, leaving $3,313 per month to work with. He said he and Dawn Harris are working 24-hours shifts in an effort to address staffing needs. He noted he has worked eight 24-hours shifts recently. Erik Martin and Commissioner Stamper joined at 10:33 a.m. Warren said he has been trying to rectify staffing concerns. He said he he’s having a hard time making it work when there’s only one person to cover the office. He said the deputy is on call. He said he is telling families they need to make an appointment. Warren and Dawn said they have to let calls go to voice mail and the door go unanswered when there’s only one person in the office and they are meeting with families or attending an autopsy, etc. Warren discussed two bills that the Legislature passed. He said coroners can now file a subpoena with Superior Court for evidence. He said death certificate costs have increased, and that those increases will help cover the costs of toxicology reports. Warren said there also is a funded mandate requiring an autopsy for women who die during childbirth or within 42 days of giving birth. Warren gave the following year-to-date statistics: 342 deaths – including three homicides, three suicides, 12 accidentals, three undetermineds and four pending. He said his office has participated in one public assist. Warren and Dawn said his office will have information about drowning prevention during the fair. Dawn said the Cribs for Kids program has given out 10 cribs so far. She said she is providing in-home outreach for expectant parents. Warren said he will reach out to WACME regarding human composting, which is being allowed statewide. Meeting adjourned at 10:59 a.m.