2019-06-10 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager June 10, 2019 11:06 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, JP Anderson, Lara McRea, David Fine, Commissioner Stamper (11:09 a.m.) Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester Public Health and Social Services (PHSS) / Code Enforcement One-tenth of 1 percent sales tax: Erik Martin said PHSS has some unspent one-tenth of 1 percent funding and would like to reallocate some of those funds to the Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) for 2019. JP Anderson noted that the CJTA funding will drop off for 2020. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:09 a.m. Erik said the Board is being asked to consider authorizing PHSS to reallocate those funds. JP would then renegotiate the contracts and bring them before the board for approval. Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper agreed to authorize PHSS to reallocate the unused funds. Drews Prairie / Gore Road animal case: JP discussed an animal seizure that took place three or so months ago. He said the tribes have donated to help cover the costs of caring for the animals. Five-year housing plan: JP discussed the comment period and public meeting regarding the five-year plan. He said several people were interested in low-barrier programs with higher accountability. He said Commerce has hire a consultant to work with counties. Board of Equalization (BOE) discussion Erik said Candy Hallom indicated Peggy Laso and Russ Wigley have indicated they prefer staying with a 60-day appeal period instead of moving back to a 30-day appeal period. DPA David Fine said it would be best to leave the decision up to the BOE board. Erik noted that appeals have declined. Commissioner Jackson said he would meet with the BOE to discuss the proposal. Budget Becky Butler said she will provide Munis training regarding rates the following week. She said she also will hold budget/strategic planning training with electeds and department heads in the coming months. Salary Commission Rieva Lester said the county has received at least one application for the Salary Commission. 911 / Department of Emergency Services TCOMM: Erik said TCOMM has invited some or all of the BOCC members to attend an upcoming TCOMM meeting. All three commissioners said they would like to attend. Infrastructure study schedule: Erik said the study should be complete by year’s end and is estimated at $80,000. Erik suggested Commissioner Jackson invite Adam Wasserman to the TCOMM meeting. Central Services / CFP Packwood State Parks land: Commissioner Stamper said he favors local control. Erik said the Business Owners’ Meeting is planned for June 14 and that he will walk the property June 14. The group discussed the need to do its due diligence before considering accepting the land. Commissioner Stamper said he’d like to have the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office review a draft of the state’s proposed agreement soon. The group said they’d also like to discuss risk and liability concerns with Wayne Whiton. CFP: Erik said KMB Architects is working on its proposal and the CFP will make its presentation to the BOCC in the next few weeks. Erik said he will be working with Facilities and the Treasurer’s Office to come up with a creative financial solution, whether through bonds, grants, REET funds, etc. Other Erik said he will review the permanent solution for the PHSS director position in six to eight weeks. The commissioners reviewed their calendars. The group discussed the commissioners’ upcoming meeting with Coroner Warren McLeod. Meeting ended at 11:59 a.m.