2019-06-11 Update with Code Enforcement Update with Code Enforcement June 11, 2019 9:00 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Bill Teitzel, Jeff Pflunger Recorder: Rachel Hunt Bill Teitzel gave an overview of current code violations and citations. See attachment. Commissioner Stamper asked to have Code Enforcement civil infractions added to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Update agenda. Commissioner Stamper expressed a current frustration with residents not paying the infractions when they are cited or cleaning up their properties. The BOCC discussed how oftentimes the problem is a mindset and a way of life more than a specific problem. Bill further explained the current list of code violations. Commissioner Stamper discussed a specific property within his district. Bill Teitzel outlined the current discussion between multiple entities regarding who will be responding to illegal burns. The BOCC requested the legal opinion RFA is operating under in relation to illegal burns be added to the Prosecuting Attorney’s update. Commissioner Fund inquired about two properties near Centralia and Vader. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 9:48 a.m. Commissioner Fund discussed the ongoing fire danger in Lewis County. She requested that fireworks be added to the Wrap-Up agenda. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.