2019-06-19 ESC MeetingESC Meeting June 19, 2019 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Shad Hail, Gary Fredricks, Larry Grove, Lara McRea, Janelle Kambich, Megan Sibbert, Daleyn Coleman, Casey Mauermann, Steve Mansfield, Marni Larson, Susie Palmateer, Steve Walton, Wayne Whiton, Becky Butler, Graham Gowing, Lee Napier, Gabe Anzelini Absent: Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Fund Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Approval of minutes Lara McRea made a motion to approve the May 2019 minutes. Steve Wohld seconded. Motion passed. Strategic planning Erik Martin thanked those who’ve helped review strategic planning proposals. He said work on the strategic plan will take place along the same timeline as work on the county budget. Safety Committee composition Erik noted that most members of the Safety Committee are line-level employees. He urged offices and departments to add manager-level employees on the Safety Committee. Cybersecurity Steve Wohld discussed cybersecurity training, noting the county has spent millions on technology in an effort to combat cyberattacks. He said new cybersecurity training likely will roll out in July. He and Gabe Anzelini discussed multi-factored authentication. Steve said IT will conduct more phishing expeditions. He, Gabe and Erik stressed that the drills are designed to be training opportunities. They said offices and departments are not to use results from the drills for disciplinary purposes. Legislative Roundtable Rieva Lester noted that the area lawmakers will attend the Legislative Roundtable at 9 a.m. Oct. 4. She urged offices and departments to share with the commissioners any topics they believe should be addressed. Self-insurance rates Wayne Whiton and Becky Butler explained costs associated with workers comp, unemployment and public records. Becky said a mid-year rate increase of 35 percent is planned to offset the costs, noting that the rates are based on FTE status. As an example, Becky said the county collected $953,000 in 2018 and spent $1.5 million. Budget Becky said she is implementing more Munis training. She said the budget amendment hearing is July 29. Munis Megan Sibbert said the new payroll module will go live July 1. Becky urged the group to reconcile billings monthly. Announcements Janelle Kambich said she will keep the group informed regarding any services planned for David Fine. Shad Hail discussed Juvenile’s work to open High Rock. He said the Guardian Ad Litem program has moved to the Star complex. Gary Fredricks urged the group to support local agriculture. Meeting ended at 8:53 a.m.