2019-06-24 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager June 24, 2019 11:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Wayne Whiton, Becky Butler, Commissioner Stamper (11:05 a.m.) Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Bill Serrahn Recorder: Rieva Lester Risk Restorical Research: Erik Martin said Restorical Research wants to request roughly $1.5 million from the Great American Insurance Group for Lewis County’s historical insurance policies. Wayne Whiton said the amount reflects upcoming costs and past defense and indemnity for the Central Shop site. He clarified that the $1.5 million reflects Central Shop only, not a global settlement. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:05 a.m. Wayne said Lloyds of London returned its historical premiums to Lewis County. Wayne said there will be future costs for monitoring the wells, etc. Wayne said the risk lies in the unknowns of the various properties. Wayne said Great American would be released from any future findings if the county signs the agreement. Erik directed Wayne to clarify the language in the agreement and to explore potential litigation with the PA’s Office. Employment: Erik said Wayne has submitted his resignation. Wayne said his last day will be July 19. Erik said he will be working on a countywide restructure plan. Wayne left at 11:18 a.m. Budget Becky Butler said PILT funding came in at less than hoped but more than anticipated. Commissioner Stamper said federal timber sales have been down the past two years. He said the projections have been high but that the results have been short. Skookumchuck Wind Farm Erik said the Skookumchuck project is moving forward and that RES Americas is working on its needed permits. Erik said Lee Napier said the county may use its permit money from RES Americas to purchase used cars expressly for the county’s work on the windfarm project, use the cars for the specific project then sell the cars afterward. He noted that the money would come from RES Americas and that the cars would be for the county’s work on that project only. Central Services / CFP Packwood State Parks land: Erik said he is awaiting a draft agreement for the PA’s Office review. Bill Serrahn discussed the 2009 Upper Cowlitz management recommendations regarding the future use of the property. Bill said the community is concerned about the preservation of the land. He said the community does not want the area developed into a campground. Bill said materials indicated Destination Packwood would develop a campground. CFP: Erik said the CFP group is looking at financing – and property acquisition – and would like to present a plan to the board sometime in August. Becky said the discussion is centering on potential bonds. HR Employee handbook update: Erik asked the board to review a proposed policy on light refreshments and meals. Bill left at 11:41 a.m. Lara McRea said light refreshments would be juice, cookies, cake, etc. and would let directors approve purchases of $40 or less. She said it would pay for meals at a per diem rate. She said Daleyn Coleman is working on the proposed policies, which would be adopted as part of the employee handbook. Commissioner Fund asked for confirmation that the county uses the Office of Financial Management (OFM) as a standard. The group confirmed that Lewis County uses OFM as its standard. Commissioner Jackson said he’d like clarification regarding mileage reimbursements. He said mileage to parades, etc., should not be reimbursed. Employment situations: Erik said the Auditor’s Office would like to have hire a couple casuals to cover maternity leaves. He said Denise Unzelman plans to retire. He said Community Development plans to hire a third building inspector as a casual. He noted that the building inspector position would be funded by RES Americas. He discussed arbitration regarding a former employee. Union business: Erik said negotiations are starting to open and that he is looking at outside help. Public Works Erik said that if the county were to approve .09 funding for Mickelson Parkway, it could include language indicating the county would take the lead on planning and construction of a proposed road since it is a county road. Commissioner Fund noted that Winlock has withdrawn its Urban Growth Area application. Community Development Erik said the Planned Growth Committee met the previous week. He said discussions centered on utility service for properties in Chehalis. He said the proposal had some conditional approval to move forward to the Planning Commission. The group discussed the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) requirements related to the Planned Growth Committee meetings. Personnel Erik said Superior Court would like to reclassify a mental health coordinator position. Calendars The group reviewed their calendars. Meeting ended at 12:15 p.m.