2019-07-09 Meeting with Ted JacksonMeeting with Ted Jackson July 9, 2019 2:52 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Ted Jackson Guest: Chris Clowe Recorder: Rieva Lester Ted Jackson said he is working with Jennifer Hackett of Washington Hometown to create a map of roads region-wide that allow WATV use. He said Jennifer indicated links on Lewis County’s website were not working, so she couldn’t access Lewis County’s data. JP Anderson joined at 2:58 p.m. Ted said he would like the commissioners to work with Washington Hometown to create a hub / loop in Lewis County that would link to Thurston Counties, among others, throughout the state. The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to reach out to GIS regarding Jennifer’s troubles with the Lewis County map. Ted urged the county to permit WATV use on all 35 mph and under roads. Commissioner Stamper expressed concerns about high-traffic roads. Commissioner Stamper said he would meet with Ted sometime in the future to further discuss the change to WATV rules. Meeting ended at 3:09 p.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rieva Lester: Reach out to GIS regarding Washington Hometown’s request for GIS mapping. Commissioner Stamper: Meet again with Ted Jackson.