2019-07-16 Update with BudgetUpdate with Budget July 16, 2019 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler reviewed year-to-date budget figures. The commissioners agreed to budget conservatively regarding sales and use tax collected in the general fund. Becky noted that interest is likely to decrease because the Fed is expected to drop its rates. Becky explained how property taxes work and how new construction increases work. Becky said Assessor Dianne Dorey had projected $500,000 for new construction. Becky recommended budgeting conservatively. Erik said he is comfortable budgeting it at $200,000. Becky said she will ask Dianne for an updated estimate. Becky said limitation options (with no wage adjustments) include: • Status quo (no increase in operations) • No increase in overall budget, based on original 2019 budget, triggers reductions • Reductions (across-the-board cuts linked to percentage use of total fund) Becky said interfund rates for IT will increase because of Munis. Becky said indigent defense costs are increasing as well. Erik and Becky discussed including a roughly 2 percent vacancy rate in projections. The group discussed timber revenues, Secure Rural Schools, senior services contributions, indigent defense, the CPI index linked to Tacoma Power, Strategic Planning, succession planning and cost-of- living adjustments. Becky said she needs the board to determine how much to shift from Roads to cover the traffic program. Erik noted that the road fund will be down for 2020. The group discussed the CVO position. The board instructed Becky and Erik to explore the second option (no increase in overall budget, based on original 2019 budget, triggers reductions) and meet again the following week. Commissioner Jackson left at 5:04 p.m. The group discussed streamlining some of the department-level budget meetings. Commissioner Jackson returned at 5:15 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.