2019-07-17 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update July 17, 2019 9:01 A.M. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, J.P. Anderson, Lee Napier, Tim Fife, Doug Carey, Steve Wohld, Gary Fredricks, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Mansfield Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Fund discussed a proclamation promoting awareness of and participation in the 2020 Census. Erik Martin discussed a notice of hearing for Ordinance 1303 regarding the proposed dissolution of Joint Diking and Drainage District No. 1 of Lewis and Thurston Counties (Hanaford Valley). Erik martin discussed a notice of hearing for Ordinance 1304 regarding the proposed dissolution of Davis Lake Drainage District No. 1 (Davis Lake, Morton). Tim Fife discussed a Request for Proposals (RFP) for annual hydrologic, hydraulic and geomorphic professional services for projects, including Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funded projects and Lewis County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to approve additional funds to the Southwest Washington Fair Office Revolving Working Account. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to approve funds for the ATM machines at the Southwest Washington Fair. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve Amendment #10 and #11 to Interagency Agreement, RCO# 15-1475, between the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) and Lewis County. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve an eighth supplemental agreement between SBGH- Partners LLC and Lewis County. Erik Martin discussed a hearing for Ordinance 1305, which would revise Lewis County Code 3.30 regarding surplus property. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move one Presentation item, three Notice items, two Consent items, four Deliberation items and one Hearing to the Monday, July 22, 2019, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Lara McRea reminded everyone about the Packetwriter training following the Directors’ update. Commissioner Fund discussed David Fine’s service the previous Sunday. Becky Butler reminded the group about upcoming budget training. Lara McRea reminded everyone there will not be a draw check going out this week. She also reminded everyone about getting their to-go orders in for the employee picnic. J.P. Anderson thanked the group for their help in the time of transition. Doug Carey mentioned set up for the employee picnic will be starting soon and parking might be an issue for a couple days. Steve Wohld said IT is currently assessing the damage from the power outage the previous Friday. Erik Martin noted he will be at the Risk Pool conference the next couple of days. Commissioner Jackson provided an overview of a previous meeting with TCOMM, and that he will be attending the statewide 911 meeting. The group discussed a current Facebook post about the displeasure surrounding the new property values. Meeting ended at 9:39 a.m.