2019-07-22 Update with BudgetUpdate with Budget July 22, 2019 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, and Becky Butler Also present: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candace Hallom Becky Butler displayed a sample in Munis of the new budget spreadsheets. Becky put together three budget options and showed budget scenarios for Option A and Option C. • Option A Status Quo (optimistic) • Option B 0% increase in expenditures • Option C is taking cuts. Becky stated you could reduced the budget in many different ways. Today’s meeting is to get guidance on how the Board wants to move forward. Option A is a higher risk budget but is closer to what is happening in the economy. Becky said the starting budget is based on a best guess. Erik stated that there is always room in the budget process to make adjustments. The optimistic option helps tell a story. Becky said that CBA negotiations are considerations when we go from here. Becky went over proposed budget adjustment using Option A. The BOCC would like to move forward with Option A optimistic as a starting point. Erik will continue to update the BOCC on what Option A looks like. Becky asked what the legislative priorities are for next year. Commissioner Fund provided Becky with a list. Meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm