2019-07-24 Meeting with Anil Puri and Larry McGeeMeeting with Anil Puri and Larry McGee July 24, 2019 3:11 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Larry McGee, Anil Puri Recorder: Rieva Lester Larry McGee asked how the county can measure whether the addition of a county manager has been a benefit to Lewis County. The group discussed the customer service improvements and other improvements the addition of a county manager has afforded, such as: • Improved response times to citizens and others • More time to work on special projects • More time to work with local and state officials • More time to meet with more constituents • Better insight into traffic management, etc. • Improved oversight of the BOCC office • Improved education about the Open Public Meetings Act • Improved access to the commissioners for the public • Renewed work on Strategic Planning • A more unified approach to budgeting Larry said he would like to talk to the electeds to gauge their opinions. Erik said he tries to find ways to collect data to help the commissioners make their decisions. Commissioner Jackson discussed the various consultants being considered to work on the county’s strategic planning. The group discussed the need for a unified front and team mindset regarding strategic planning. The group discussed budget amendments, budget adjustments and vacancies rates. Larry discussed treating budgets more like scenario management, in which you’d identify worst-case scenarios, best-case scenarios and the most likely outcomes and then plan how the county would react to each scenario. Erik said the county manager position is beneficial because it gives directors and electeds a liaison who helps connect them with resources and encourages them to work together. Erik said he is working with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to codify the job duties of the county manager. Anil Puri discussed United Way’s effort to promote literacy through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:01 p.m. Commissioner Fund praised Erik’s work on the flood control zone districts. Erik Martin left at 4:07 p.m. Commissioner Fund suggested Anil reach out to Public Health and Social Services – as well as Timberland Library – to help with the literacy project. Commissioner Stamper said he would put together data showing his time commitments, and Commissioner Fund said she would create a pie chart showing where she spends her time. Meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m.