2019-07-23 SWW Fair UpdateSWW Fair Update July 23, 2019 3:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Kelly Sneed, Tamara Hayes, Steve Walton, and Evan Mitchell Recorder: Candace Hallom Tamara introduced Evan Mitchell the new intern for the fair. Tamara discussed opening ceremonies and asked who will speak. The Board agreed to have Commissioner Fund speak during the opening ceremonies of the fair. It was also decided that elected officials will be asked to stand up for recognition and will not be announced individually. Tamara stated the equestrian group has been working hard on getting everything ready. The equestrian group is frustrated with the condition of the fair grounds. The 4-H Superintendent would like to work with the county on a site plan to help make improvement for the future. The Board discuss their roles during the fair. Tamara asked the Commissioners if they would be willing to fund a full page in the Chronicle. The Commissioners said they would get back to her on it. Tamara said the fair office has delivered signs to Twin Transit. Tamara provided an update on sponsorships and donations. Kelly discussed the Garlic Fest. Two additional buildings have been opened for the event. The Garlic Fest did not have anything for the kids in the previous year. This year the Garlic Fest will have some activities for kids. Tamara discussed Discover Lewis County (DLC). Destination Packwood is closed and DLC was looking at an option for a mobile tourism booth that DLC could park in the area to assist. Volunteers would run the mobile booth. Tamara will look into further. Meeting ended at 3:58 p.m.