2019-09-03 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up September 3, 2019 4:16 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Arny Davis Guest: Dale Merten Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said Toledo School District Superintendent Chris Rust would like to secure a $10 million loan for a construction project so it can start its project in 2020 instead of a year later, a move that would save the school district $1 million. Erik said the school district has indicated it would not use the money, that it would scrap the project before tapping into the county’s funds. Arny Davis cautioned that the “bridge loan” would count against the county. Dale Merten said that if the county provides a letter of credit, the school district can indicate it can fund the project and go out to bid in January, which would result in much favorable prices. Dale said the total project will cost roughly $27 million to $29 million. Commissioner Fund asked if the district had reached out to state legislators. Dale said they had. Dale said the funding sources are: • $10 million from SCAP • $10 million from State Legislature • $7 million from bonds Arny noted that the bond counsel Becky Butler suggested reaching out to the Auditor’s Office as well. Arny suggested reaching out to commercial banks. The group suggested looking at commercial banks and possibly Toledo Tel to see if they could commit to a portion of the costs. Dale said he would reach out to those other possible funding sources. Dale left at 4:34 p.m. Arny left at 4:37 p.m. Erik said the county likely will meet with TCOMM again in October. He said the county has no other update but that he’ll reach out to Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen regarding a question the mayor has about dispatch. The commissioners said they would set up a time to do County Manager Erik Martin’s evaluation. They said they may reach out to Larry McGee as they work up an evaluation form. The group reviewed their calendars. Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.