2019-09-30 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager September 30, 2019 11:06 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Becky Butler (11:08 a.m.), Commissioner Stamper (11:10 a.m.) Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Strategic Planning Erik Martin discussed recent meetings with the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC). He said there may be a lot of public informational meetings planned. Becky Butler joined at 11:08 a.m. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:10 a.m. 911 / Department of Emergency Services AMR 2020 contract: Erik said AMR is unhappy with its proposed contract. He noted that AMR has a rate of $15 per call. Annual mitigation grant programs: Erik said the grant needs to be renewed in 2020. He said Josh Metcalf submitted a pre-application earlier in the day. 911 budget update: Erik said the Combined User Committee (CUC) budget subcommittee asked for a 7 percent increase instead of a 10 percent increase. He said that request will be honored, with the understanding that the county will request the additional funding when necessary. Erik said the CUC subcommittee also wants to hold the 2019 rates and add the 7 percent on top rather than using the three-year average on which to base the formula. He said the normalized way would affect Winlock, Centralia and Chehalis the most. He said Winlock and Centralia are OK with changing the way rates are established. He said he has not yet heard back from Chehalis. Personnel PA salary: 2017 and 2018, the BOCC has approved increases to the Prosecuting Attorney’s pay. He said the BOCC could: • Increase the salary for the state and county portions, increasing the total salary to approximately $165,000 • Increase the salary 50 percent, increasing the total salary to approximately $155,000 • Wait for the Salary Commission to review The commissioners said they would like to go with the first option and then have the Salary Commission review the prosecuting attorney’s pay. Becky said she’d asked Daleyn Coleman to draft the resolution. Becky left at 11:25 a.m. Public Works Erik said work continues on Borst Avenue. Mickelsen Parkway: Erik said he would look into whether there is a signed agreement with Benaroya. Packwood floodplain study: Erik said Commerce has the paperwork ready to go and that Josh Metcalf is working up an RFQ. FLCIA: Erik said the group is requesting $170,000 in Distressed Counties Funding for the North Lewis County Industrial Access project. Water systems updates: • Lewis County will reach out to Thurston County about the LC water systems located in Thurston County. • Water-Sewer District 5: Lewis County is working out the details for a proposed takeover. Fleet Managers Association Board appointment: Erik said Tim Murphy has been named to the board. Community Development Planning Commission update: Erik said the group agreed to move forward a UGA proposal for the BOCC’s consideration. He noted that a Planning Commission workshop is planned for Oct. 22. Commissioner Fund said Mike Messmore has voiced concerns about the Toledo Airport and the search for a new manager. Commissioner Stamper said he has received the same message. Public Health & Social Services 1406 resolution: Erik said JP Anderson has met with Centralia and Chehalis and has indicated that those two are not interested. Commissioner Stamper requested a report on Community Development’s recent meeting with DNR regarding the rock pit. Commissioner Jackson discussed his recent meeting with Cowlitz County regarding the WSU Director position. He said Gary Fredricks will continue to serve as a part-time director through at least the spring. He said he gave Jim Kropf a proposed MOU that outlines that Lewis County would like WSU to take over responsibility of the two WSU employees, with the understanding that Lewis County would continue providing funding for the positions. Commissioner Stamper discussed the DNR meeting he recently attended. He said the DNR is going to be asking for silviculture funding. Meeting ended at 11:58 a.m.