2019-10-10 Prelim budget - 1 - HR2020 preliminary budget meeting: HR October 10, 2019 Time 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Daleyn Coleman County Manager Erik Martin joined at 9:21 a.m. Citizens Budget Committee members: Laura Berg, Paul Crowner, Bill Kassen, Bill Marshall, Bill Serrahn and Frank Corbin attended via phone Other guest(s): Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Tamara Martin Becky introduced all members. Dalelyn spoke about the role of HR, being behind the scenes and working as advisors. Recruitment for positions including the needs for specific job descriptions. When the county needs to recruit, a Personnel Authorization Form (PAF) is completed. The PAF form then goes to budget, then to the County Manager. There are 13 collective bargaining agreements. The arbitrators determine negotiations. Dalelyn assists in discipline process, just-cause and probationary processes, she also gets to hand out awards and recognition such as milestones as well employees of the quarter and employee of the year. Daleyn also helps with training, ensuring that we have qualified trainers and helps with administrators training. Daleyn is responsible for scheduling those trainings as well. The county has to follow all laws and policies. Human resources partners with risk management. There are still challenges ahead with changes to FMLA act. Dalelyn spoke about how the county is taking a different approach by formulating a benefits committee to educate the employees about the benefits available to them. Different types of programs include WCIF, Health Care Authority and Teamsters. Most of the county employees switched from WCIF (Washington Counties Insurance Fund) to PEBB (Public Employees Benefits Board) due to double-digit increases. Dalelyn has to ensure that the county follows guidelines and provisions provided in the collective bargaining agreements. She also spoke to the supply costs for making badges, repairs and maintenance. Becky addressed inter-funds for maintenance. Rates that charge for rooms, lighting, computers. This funding is added monthly and/or quarterly. This budget pays for maintenance repairs or replacements as necessary. Commissioner Fund asked Daleyn to address the equity law Dalelyn explained that the equity law changed how Lewis County does business. Any person now applying will no longer be asked how much a person makes when applying for a position. There is a 13- step grid (A-M). Applicants will now see the grid and it is up to the applicant to bargain based on their qualifications. We are public employees and salaries are public knowledge. Laura Berg asked if we would be close to meeting revenues for the expenditures at the end of the year. Asked about the general funding and how that contributes. Bill Kassen thanked Daylen for explaining how the process worked. He noted that 2019 actual is way under 2019 projected. Becky explained 2019 actuals was year to date. Bill Kassen also asked how we recruit. Daylen explained the County website has job postings, as openings are available, APWA (American Public Works) have a third party for director level that uses Prothman, and there is social media as well. Any follow up questions please address with Becky. Frank asked for projection sheets to be emailed. Ended at 9:32 a.m.