2018-01-10 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update January 10, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:30 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Erik noted that a year-end amendment will be done for the roads fund for $1 million and also said that cuts may be necessary for 2018. Some options would be prolonging new hires and cutting back on vehicle purchases. An internal manager meeting will be set up to discuss the budget. Larry Unzelman will be retiring at the end of February and he may do contract work for Public Works after he retires. Erik also said there are two people identified as internal candidates for this position. The board noted they are fine with recruiting for the Real Estate Manager position. Traffic Diversion- Tim has been working with Bruce Kimsey on the traffic policing memo which memorializes discussions with Public Works and the Sheriff's Office on traffic policing and enforcement activities. Tim noted that the Sheriff wants to hear from the board before they proceed with the agreement which is the second piece. Tim put together a memo on behalf of the board that requests the BOCC and the Lewis County Sheriff's Office enter into an agreement so there is a clear understanding of the use of the funds. The board would like a meeting scheduled with PW and the Sheriff to discuss the Traffic Policing agreement. Real Estate Work for other Depts.- Erik will write a memo to Larry to start directing for the real estate work he does for other office and departments in the county but noted he will have conversations with those affected first. The sale of properties and leases will affect the BOCC, Assessor and other departments in the county. This issue will be further discussed at the ESC meeting in February. Commissioner Jackson entered the meeting at 11:01 am. Legal Affidavit Payments- Discussion was held regarding the payment for legal affidavits in relation to properties that are declared surplus. Currently the BOCC is paying for the legal ads and the question is can a processing fee be added to the sale of the property to cover the cost of the ad. It was noted that Larry Unzelman has been doing the work but the county is the legislative authority and Public Works is just the third party working on it. Lara will have Rieva add this to the prosecutor update next week for discussion. 2018 Goals- Discussion was held regarding 2018 project goals for Public Works. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Erik and Jack Niehuser attended the Centralia City council meeting last night where Jack discussed the Borst Ave project with the city council. There is a meeting scheduled for Friday, January 12th with SCJ Alliance to finalize the scope of work for design. The county will do the survey work and Martin can start topo next week. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Public Works has received a scope of work from SCJ Alliance that will continue the implementation of the industrial access plan for 2018. There is approximately $50k in .09 funding for this project. Erik talked to Matt Matayoshi and he may be able to assist in some of the work. This project will also be discussed with some of the legislators to insure that the proposed 2025 biennium budget stays in place for construction of an additional freeway access and other improvements. WATV’s- Eric Eisenberg sent out a draft of the WATV ordinance this morning and Erik plans to come up estimated costs for signs in the next few weeks and grant funds will be needed to purchase the signs. A hearing will need to be scheduled but it may be another month. The WATV route should be open by this summer. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Dr- Ann has been working with agencies such as the Department of Fish and Wildlife and FEMA and an Environmental Assessment may not be needed which would save on costs and it would shorten the length of the project. If the county moves quickly on the project we could get in fish window and build in 2018 but there are no guarantees. Erik noted that the project cost is approximately 1.8 million and the roads fund would have to pay up front costs before getting reimbursed by FEMA. This would be a concern for the budget. Public Works would need to pay 12.5% of the roads fund dollars to help with the costs. Commissioner Fund suggested that we reach out to Ed Orcutt as he may be able to help with the money and budget concern. Commissioner Jackson suggested to go ahead with the project but not at the detriment to other Roads work that is needed. Snow and ice (after hours)- Erik discussed an article that was printed in the paper regarding a road that did not get plowed on the weekend. Erik noted that the crews do in fact work weekends in a snow or wind event. FLEET New vehicle purchase bid- Erik noted that all the vehicle bids are in and have been tallied. I5 Toyota was awarded the bid for 2 vehicles and Awesome Ford were awarded the rest. REAL ESTATE PSE Franchise negotiations- Erik has a meeting with Glenn tomorrow and they will discuss the response that PSE sent back on Jackson Prairie. North Fork- There are currently 7 offers that are out for ROW purchase on North Fork Rd and approximately 20 properties are needed. Lincoln Creek Property Sale- The Lincoln Creek Property Sale is on the BOCC agenda for Monday January 22nd. Mr. Seaward now has the funds to purchase the property. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy Safety Grant Project- Tim presented a priority ranking tool that shows the weighted accidents per mile for each road. It also shows the run off road per mile the curve density and the number of fatalities. This ranking tool helps pinpoints hotspots for accidents. This tool helps the department analyze where guardrail priority lies. North Fork Rd- Currently finalizing design and ROW. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik noted that 99.5% plans are complete and have been sent off to the Dept. of Health. The project is still on schedule for this summer. Rates- The hearing for proposed modifications to the rate schedule will take place on January 22nd. GOOD OF THE ORDER It was decided that the next Public Works update on the 22nd will be cancelled. Erik presented a letter that Steve Skinner wrote on behalf of the BOCC that discusses the support for restoring funds to Ecology's Waste Reduction Recycling and Litter Control Account (WRRLCA) budget in the 2019 supplemental budget. Erik asked the board to review the letter. Meeting ended 11:33 am To do List  Real Estate work for other departments-Lara will have Rieva put this item on the ESC agenda for February. Erik will have discussions with key departments before the ESC meeting.  Set up meeting with BOCC/PW and Sheriff to discuss traffic policing agreement. Lara will coordinate  Coal Creek Drive-Erik will reach out to Ed Orcutt to discuss budget and funding for this project.  Lara will have Rieva add Legal Affidavit payments to the prosecutor update next week.