2018-01-22 Meeting to discuss traffic policing1 Meeting to discuss traffic policing January 22, 2018 3:36 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Sheriff Snaza, Wes Rethwill, Erik Martin, Tim Fife Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin discussed the operating transfer, which the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) recommended having an agreement that outlines what money is available and what it can be spent on. Erik said the first would be an MOU outlining how much is to be shifted and how the monies can be used. The second is a memorandum outlining the operations. Sheriff Snaza said he has concerns about the MOU. He said the MOU could set precedence. Sheriff Snaza said no one from the CRAB board has contacted him. He said the MOU would be an outline of the commitments. He said there has never been a concern about how the funds are used. Sheriff Snaza asked what the purpose of the MOU. Tim Fife said is the contact for CRAB. Sheriff Snaza said he is OK with the MOU and that it already has been vetted by both sides. He said he doesn’t want to go down a path that isn’t required by law. Erik said CRAB has recommended the further documentation. He said it is not required by law. Erik said the MOU is what he and Tim want. He asked if the commissioners would want something further than the MOU, which is what CRAB recommended. Erik said the question is whether the commissioners want an MOU with the Sheriff when the money is transferred to the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Jackson said he doesn’t see any reason for the BOCC to get involved. Erik said CRAB made the recommendation because other counties have run into trouble regarding what sheriffs elsewhere are doing with their funding. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:02 p.m. Erik said CRAB is indicating the county can, but doesn’t have to, create some sort of agreement regarding the monies involved. Commissioner Jackson returned at 4:04 p.m. Commissioner Stamper said he would rather not have to have an agreement with the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Fund said if there are any concerns in the future, the groups can return to the drawing board to see what – if any – changes would be needed. 2 Sheriff Snaza discussed a bill regarding off-road vehicles. Erik said the bill deals with non-licensed vehicles, not ATVs. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:11 p.m. Sheriff Snaza discussed House Bills 2753, 2756 and 2596. He said lawmakers also are reviewing three bills regarding suspended licenses. Meeting ended at 4:30 p.m.