2018-01-24 Update with Community Development1 Update with Community Development January 24, 2018 10:11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier, Danette York, Eric Eisenberg, Erik Martin, Commissioner Jackson (10:13 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Lee Napier said the effective date for the Hirst Decision solution signed by the governor has taken effect. Lee said she has drafted a press release to help the public understand what the bill does. Lee said the new legislation prescribes how to determine whether there is adequate water supply. She said the requirements differ for each of the watersheds in Lewis County. Commissioner Jackson left at 10:21 a.m. Eric said the WRIAs for the Willapa, Grays-Elochoman and Cowlitz for areas receiving 5,000 or fewer gallons, has a timing change but no legal change. Lee said in those areas, a well drillers report is required at the time of building permit application. She said incomplete applications will have to be returned. She said complete building permit applications are vested. Eric discussed a grandfather clause for permit-exempt wells already drilled before the act. Eric said it boils down to when the well was drilled. Danette York left at 10:33 a.m. Eric said WRIAs 23 and 11 will be determined by rules to be set in the future. In the meantime, people will pay an additional $500 fee ($350 of which will go to Ecology) and the county will need to collect the fee at the time of the building permit application and submit an annual report. He said interim criteria already is set out for those areas. Lee stressed that the new rules took effect Jan. 22. She said she would like approval to distribute the press release. Steve Wohld asked how individuals can determine whether individuals are keeping at the 5,000 or 3,000 per gallon limits. Eric said metering is being considered but is not required. Commissioner Fund discussed changes to the press release, including contact information, FAQs, links to legislative pages, etc. The group discussed creating a website for well information. Erik left at 10:55 a.m. Meeting ended at 11 a.m.