2018-01-29 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update January 29, 2018 3 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Judge Lawler, Susie Parker, Glenn Carter, Tom Stanton, Janelle Kambich, Will Halstead, Jonathan Meyer, Brad Meagher, David Fine, Eric Eisenberg, Ross Petersen, Paulette Young (by phone at 3:07 p.m.), Archie Smith (3:54 p.m.) Guest(s): Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer urged completion of the DPAs’ contract. Jonathan said he needs to bring in three attorneys and may have to bring in contract attorneys. He said an attorney is leaving to take a job in Yakima. Will Halstead said it’s unfortunate to lose the individual, who is leaving because the pay will be considerably higher in Yakima. Will left at 3:03 p.m. Jonathan said the PA’s office needs help with filling PDRs. Glenn echoed the need for a paralegal. Paulette joined by phone at 3:07 p.m. Eric Eisenberg gave advice regarding the freeholder process. He suggested the following: • Mention that it’s an unpaid position • Have freeholders run in commissioner districts with five freeholders per district • Advance the top five vote-getters from each district • Adhere to campaign finance and campaign disclosure rules • Use same filing period other elected officials use, can be extended if fewer than five file • State qualifications for freeholders and then use Secretary of State’s declaration of candidacy form • Qualifications: Reside in Lewis County for five years leading up to election, over age 18, registered to vote within district in which they are running • Clarify that it’s not responsibility of Auditor’s Office to ensure someone is qualified • $25 filing fee – but no less than $10 • Same withdrawal deadline as all other positions • Single race in November general election • No recount for the first through fourth positions • Tie rule for anything that affects the fifth position: select the winner randomly • All freeholders are equals who will choose their own chair, etc. TO-DO LIST / RECAP PA’s office: Further discuss freeholder process Ross/PA’s office: Reach out to electeds regarding public records • Nominating procedure for filling vacancies: BOCC would nominate three qualified candidates and then the freeholders from the district with the vacancy would choose the person to fill the position. In the event of a tie, the commissioner of that district could cast the winning vote. A special election could be called if there were three or more vacancies in one district. Eric said commissioners could not run to be a freeholder because the two would be in conflict. At 3:30 p.m., Commissioner Fund announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes to discuss pending litigation. At 3:40 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 3:45 p.m. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to appeal the ruling by Judge Lanese and to allocate approximately $54,000 into the court registry for purposes of superseding the judgement. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Commissioner Fund said the Budget department would need to be involved. Eric said the court will be asked to stay the judgement. Motion approved 3-0. David Fine briefly discussed the use of the salary commission. He said Fire District 1 has hired an attorney. He said the county is not arguing either side of the case. Jonathan left at 3:53 p.m. Archie Smith joined the meeting at 3:54 p.m. Ross thanked the commissioners for their efforts regarding the PDR policy. He asked if the fees would be deposited into the 505 fund. Ross said the policy is for the BOCC and all departments under the BOCC. He said the effort now will be to reach out to the other elected officials and would require a memo of understanding. The group discussed reaching out to electeds. Ross said a meeting is planned with the various BOCC departments. Eric said the BOCC should not rescind the BOCC’s Flood Control Zone District appointments. Meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.