2018-01-30 Emergency Planning Meeting1 Emergency Planning Meeting January 30, 2018 10:10 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Steve Wohld, Archie Smith, Steve Mansfield, Steve Walton, Paulette Young (by phone), Doug Carey, Commissioner Jackson Guest(s): Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Mansfield said the commissioners shouldn’t have to ask for information. He said supervisors should send that information to the commissioners or their identified point person. He said the commissioners also need to have a plan in place that outlines the response for other electeds as well. He also discussed the need to outline the choices for essential and nonessential employees. Archie Smith said state law, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), indicates that if the employer closes the business, non- exempt employees do not have to be compensated while salaried employees must be paid. He said employees can take comp time or vacation time. He said the BOCC could create a policy that says if the courthouse closes and an employee has less than 40 hours of vacation and no comp time, they could be allowed to use sick time to cover their hours. Steve Mansfield said each office also needs to identify who is an essential employee and who is a non- essential employee. Paulette Young discussed an All Hazards Emergency Response Plan created in the past. Steve Mansfield discussed the need for a Situation Reporting (SIT) rep for Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). Steve Wohld suggested adding a COOP for each department as a goal for each office/department. Archie suggested meeting every six months or so to review. Steve Mansfield discussed the benefits of using Lewis County Alert as a communication pathway. He said he can expand the leadership groups as needed. Doug Carey said he’d like to have a backup person for each building to lock doors in the case of an emergency. Steve Wohld said some hardware was lost during the recent power outage. He said he also will be purchasing flashlights and other items for emergency preparedness. Commissioner Jackson left at 10:58 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rieva: Create a tickler to add “Tabletop exercise” regarding emergency response as agenda item for ESC and Directors’ Update once every six months. All: Add Continuity of Operations Plan as fourth goal. Rieva: Add Lewis County Alert to ESC agenda – Steve Mansfield to discuss.