2018-02-06 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update February 6, 2018 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Glenn Carter, Ross Petersen, Paulette Young (by phone), Janelle Kambich, Suzette Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Archie Smith, Jonathan Meyer Guest: Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer said mediation may be needed regarding DPA salary concerns. Archie said the DPAs countered what the BOCC offered. Glenn Carter said two positions need to be filled: A civil paralegal to help with filing and typing and such. Glenn said he is retiring in March 23. He said a third attorney will be needed to provide assistance to the civil department. Eric Eisenberg joined at 2:04 p.m. Jonathan said he also is losing a DPA III on the criminal side. He said a vacant juvenile spot was filled using two DPA I positions. Jonathan said filings are up 35 percent. He said a paralegal also is needed in criminal. Glenn said support enforcement also needs a legal assistant. Becky Butler joined at 2:12 p.m. Jonathan said he is requesting five positions, of which four are unfunded: Criminal attorney, criminal paralegal, civil attorney, civil paralegal. Eric Eisenberg said it appears the Auditor’s Office has not yet received a new batch of signatures regarding the charter process. Commissioner Stamper said he feels freeholders should be paid, whether it’s through mileage or a salary. Eric said he doesn’t think there are parameters for when the freeholders must present their charter, but he said he’ll look into it. Eric said he also will look into stipend parameters. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Eric Eisenberg to research: Timelines, stipend parameters for freeholders Rieva: Schedule meeting with the commissioners, Glenn Carter, Suzette Smith, Roy Koegen, Arny Davis and Scott Bauer: How will recent market fluctuation impact bond issuance, need feasibility study, should increase amount set aside for debt service (now at $50,000) Jonathan: Submit employment requests in writing Eric said the commissioners certainly could give suggestions to the freeholders, but he said the commissioners can only dictate the nominating process. Glenn discussed a letter from Roy Koegen regarding the PFD’s request for a bond extension. Glenn said that in the original loan agreement, it appears the county could have been forced to backstop the PFD’s loans. Glenn said Roy has indicated that the PFD’s proposed contingent loan agreement does indeed appear to be contingent. He said PFD also has a .09 loan that needs to be paid off. Glenn said the PFD has $250,000 in a bond reserve available to pay debt service. He said more than $50,000 of that should be set aside to ensure payment. Glenn said the BOCC should say, “We as a county feel insecure. We don’t understand the crossover. We want the .09 funds to be repaid.” Suzette Smith said that when the previous PFD bonds first were discussed, Roy Koegen indicated they were fully contingent. Glenn cautioned that bonds will be a much higher rate due to recent market fluctuations. He suggested asking Roy what the bond rates would look like now. Glenn said a feasibility analysis also is needed. Suzette said she’s concerned about backing bonds when it could go against the county’s debt capacity. She said requested financial documents have not been produced. Suzette asked how the bond extension would affect the county’s own bond reissuance. Becky Butler said financial documents were supposed to be provided as terms of the .09 funding. Glenn said there also is a large balloon payment due soon that must be addressed. At 2:55 p.m., Commissioner Fund announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 6 minutes to discuss pending litigation. At 3:01 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 3:06 p.m. Meeting ended at 3:06 p.m.