2018-02-05 PHSS Update Minutes BOCC Update Minutes February 5, 2018 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 3:25 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York (by phone) Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Glenn Carter JP Anderson George Dodd Steve Skinner Erik Martin Eric Eisenberg Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET No discussion regarding the budget. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Lewis County Property at W. Reynolds, Centralia – Danette/Bill Discussion: A discussion of whether the abatement fund can be used for this type of abatement and if it should be. A plan needs to be developed today regarding this solid waste issue. Public Works has no big projects right now so would like to move forward quickly. The abatement fund can be used on this type of abatement but could eat up a good chunk of it. Would like to reimburse the fund if possible. Smokey will coordinate with Kevin Korpi. Steve Skinner spoke to Kevin about this. Bill needs a drop box and a machine at the property to gather disposal items. The County may need to decide whether to decommission the hand-dug well which is rumored to be under one of the structures being removed. Discussed how to fund it. The County will need to obtain a demolition permit through the City as it is in the UGA. It was discussed that if using abatement funds, the BOCC can determine what to use it on; there are no restrictions. A resolution is not needed to determine how to spend the funds. Commissioner Stamper made a Motion to approve the use of the abatement funds to clean up the property on Reynolds Road. Commissioner Fund seconded. Approved 2-0. The abated items will be disposed of through the transfer station. Decision: Abatement funds will be used to clean up the property on Reynolds Road. • Veterans Advisory Board (VAB) Update – Bill Arnolt/George Dodd Discussion: Bill Arnolt, Chair of the VAB, was unable to attend so George Dodd gave an update of the funds with an overview of spending in 2016 and 2017. There was a decrease in 2017 because WA Department of Veterans Affairs changed the law describing the use of the funds. Definition of acceptable discharges was also changed. There was an increase in what the County will pay towards funeral costs. They must be a veteran and be low income to use the fund. The Board recently changed the limit to help the veteran at 200% of the poverty level. The Board is requesting changes to the VAB. Graham Spahn needs to be replaced and there are two people requesting to be appointed to the Board. Their applications were given to the Commissioners. George informed the Commissioners about the Self-Sufficiency program – when they take a homeless veteran off the street they want to keep him off the street. Sometimes there is a month’s lag between getting them off the street and getting them help. This program is a mini fund to bridge the gap between when we put them in housing and when VA can qualify them for other programs. Rapid rehousing currently takes about two weeks. This will not be used to give the veteran more benefits but to stop them from being homeless. $76,000 was left over from last year and we need to use it to help veterans. It is a challenge being able to serve veterans in this large of a county. There are no Veteran Service Officers (VSO) in Eastern County although the veterans meet there monthly. The Legislation is trying to get funding for VSO’s. George reported the dental van was successful in 2017. It cost $1250 per day for a dentist to provide approximately $25,000 in dental services to veterans without dental insurance. The VAB would like to fund that again 2018 which would begin in April. George reported it is always a challenge to get information out to the media. Commissioner Fund told him to check with Rieva to get information about their media list. George has spoken on the radio twice about the dental van. Commissioners Fund and Stamper reviewed the memo from the VAB and agreed to the self-sufficiency program, changing “rental assistance” to “housing assistance”, getting a dental van for 2018, and making changes to the VAB board. Decision: The Commissioners approved the self-sufficiency program, changing “rental assistance” to “housing assistance”, getting a dental van for 2018, and making changes to the VAB board. • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – JP Discussion: PHSS Advisory Board had their second meeting last week. They received updates from the committees except the Animal Shelter. Carolyn Schoenborn gave an update on Housing and discussed the 1115 waiver for Medicaid and the 10-year plan. Lori Davis gave an update on the Developmental Disabilities committee. She also sent out applications for members for that group. They discussed having the opioid task force become a committee of the PHSS board. Linda Williams will provide the update to the Board of Health this month. JP gave handouts of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Activity/Results to the Commissioners. The Order of Selection started in November and it looks like there has been a reduction in service. Providers are not getting as many referrals as they feel they should be. Decision: The Commissioners would like Katherine Gish and her supervisor to meet with the County again. JP will contact them. JP will work to clarify how the 1115 Medicaid Waiver and DVR will operate in conjunction with each other. NEW ISSUES • Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance (LSWFA) – Danette/Bill Discussion: This is what used to be the Coordinated Prevention Grant (CPG). Public Works also carries a part of this. The contract should come in mid-February for $95,284 which includes the match of $23,821. It is good for two years from July 2017 through June 2019 but we will begin from January 1, 2018 and use only six quarters instead of eight. That amount is for the total 2 years. The SHA grant contract is gone. The $95,284 will fund littering investigation, general solid waste, solid waste permits, exempt sites, and monitoring. The SHA was used for ecology and toxic spills. These grants helped offset some funding we needed from Current Expense. • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property – W. Reynolds, Centralia – Reviewed above. o #2 – Peterson Estates – 144 Skylark Lane, Toledo – This will remain a Group B system. They submitted water samples which failed. They will resubmit a second sample. The problem could be in the distribution system. Moerke handles this water system. o #3 – Miedinger, Briston – 114 Snyder Rd., Packwood – Bill has received complaints about this property. We have enough evidence to believe they have installed an unlicensed septic system and are using it for a business. We sent them a Notice of Violation to correct it and have called him in for an Administrative Notice. o #4 – Nored, Inc. – 13016 US Highway 12, Packwood – Property allegedly has a pirate septic system being used for a restaurant. Our records indicate the septic is complete but lacking an Operation & Maintenance plan as required. They also have incomplete building permits. o #5 – Westside Ditching, LLC - Packwood – Allegedly had knowledge of installation of an unpermitted on-site septic system. o #6 – Sittko, Joan – 1222 St. Helens St., Centralia – FYI. This empty house is really run down. There is a large infestation of rodents in the neighborhood. This is in the City of Centralia and they need to handle this. The neighbors are getting vocal about this. Although rodents live there, they are most likely getting food from other sources. o #7 – Onalaska Wood Energy, Onalaska – 1674 State Route 508, Onalaska – The State DOE hears from EPA who is not very interested in this. This was referred to the State AG office. They need to come back and modify their SEPA Review to modify unpermitted storm water changes. o #8 – Norris, Bruce – 242B US Hwy 12, Chehalis – Mr. Norris has brought in some fill material. There are no permits on record. o Other Code issues not on the agenda:  238 Birley Rd. Mossyrock. This is a permitted kennel owned by Jacob Hadaller with many barking dogs. Someone complained and stated she would contact the BOCC. This is generally a noise nuisance taken care of by the Sheriff’s Office but if this is a violation of our kennel code, Code Compliance will need to check into it.  Commissioner Stamper asked about the Mayfield RV Park. A letter is going to the owner stating he must either have an RV park or a mobile home park with proper permits; this cannot be both. There is an issue with the restroom. Decision: Bill will get a copy of the letter to Commissioner Stamper.  Bill visited an RV park on Harrison Avenue about a sewer problem. There are 24 RVs parked in there which may be taxing the septic system.  Commissioner Stamper reported that homeless people are moving in again to an area on Highway 12 before the bridge. There are trailers that move in and out also. Decision: Bill will check into this.  Commissioner Stamper asked about the property in Vader off I-5. Mr. White, who is a veteran, had a court appearance. Either he moves to a different location or comes into compliance but so far, he has not complied. Bill asked George Dodd if the Veterans Resource Fund could do anything for him but was told that fund is not set up for that. Bill has also cited him for metal recycling. • Veterans Advisory Board Recommendations - Danette Discussion: Discussed during George’s update. • List of Unpaid Food Permits (handout) – Danette/Bill Discussion: There are currently 13 unpaid food permits. Owners have been notified that the scheduled date for closure is February 20 if they do not pay their permit. If the County closes the business, it will cost an additional $250 administration fee to reopen. Chehalis Deli in Centralia is on the list of those unpaid but it may have been closed. Decision: Bill will check on the Chehalis Deli location in Centralia. • Homeless Connect Event Outcome – Danette/JP Discussion: The count this year was 106 households which is similar to last year’s count. Numbers from the jail population may have increased the count. Thirty-eight vendors set up booths/services. There are 244 individuals being case managed by HMIS system that are known to be homeless in Lewis County. They also go out and do some counting as some people are not comfortable attending this event. Decision: JP will bring the final count with him to the March Update. BOH ISSUES Review Board of Health agenda for February 12, 2018 o H. Res #021218.1 Approve Agreement between Lewis County and Thurston County for Health Officer Services for 2018. Thurston County’s BOH approved it so now we can bring it before our BOH. The contract is retroactive to January 1, 2018. Commissioner Stamper made a Motion to move the resolution for Health Officer services for 2018 forward to the February BOH meeting on Monday, February 12. Commissioner Fund Seconded. Motion approved 2-0.